When the idea for the blog of the month topic came up, I thought it was great to have a BOM about Lessons we have learned in our life to share with the younger generations, and since the announcement post came up, I have been looking forward to writing my contribution.
Those of you who have known me for a while, already know that I have a son who is my sunshine, and who has recently left home to study abroad and pursue his dreams. I also have nieces and nephews, whom I adore, and eventually, life may give me some grandchildren in the future, who knows? But today this is for my son.
One of the things I miss a lot are our long conversations. We used to spend a lot of time together and although we chat frequently now it's not the same over the phone. Those long talks were often in the car while I was driving him to and from school or driving him to and from a friend's house or going on an errand. Sometimes by going out to have a coffee or a beer. And even sometimes, he joined me on some of the adventures I have shared here on Hive on Wednesday Walks. And of course some of those talks used to revolve around the "school of life".
And if we had one now, this is what I would tell him:
That no matter how far life's paths take him in the pursuit of his dreams. He should never forget where he came from since that always will be part of who he is. And he should always be proud of it.
I would tell him to never stop pursuing his dreams no matter how difficult they may seem. One life lesson I learned from him is that no matter how unattainable a goal may seem if there is even the slightest chance of achieving it, it is worth the effort. He proved that to me himself and he should remember that always.
That he tries to surround himself with good and positive people, that he never stops being himself. That he should not be influenced by others and that he should always listen to his intuition.
That in life it is worth taking risks, and that it is okay to make mistakes because we are human. That failure is not the end of the world but an opportunity to learn to get up and move forward. When we fail and get up, we become stronger.
That life is full of changes, and although sometimes they are frightening, at least to me they were at one time, the truth is that changes can also bring opportunities, and we must face them and move forward.
May he never stop pursuing his dreams and doing what he loves. But having in mind the value of affection and family.
That nothing should ever be given for granted and that although my own experience has taught me that we must live in the present and take advantage of the opportunities that come our way every day. It is also good to plan for the future and create a nest egg for rainy days.
To never let go of being kind and grateful.
And would tell him to always have in mind that no matter what happens, I will always love him with all my heart and without conditions, and I'll be for him.
This is my post out of competition for the Silver Bloggers Community #BOM this month about Lessons for my (grand)children from my school of life.
If you want to join and qualify for the prizes, you have until next Tuesday, November, 22 at midnight UTC. You can check instructions and prizes at Blog of the Month - New theme for Tuesday, 22 November 2022. But remember that if you miss the deadline, we are always happy to read what you write to one of the topics proposed to the BOM.
Thank you very much for reading!
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