ENG-Trliste Contest #Alanya Castle Tour ๐ŸŒŸ/// Trliste YarฤฑลŸmasฤฑ #Alanya Kalesi Gezim๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

in #hive-124065 โ€ข 3 years ago


Hello everyone dear friends.๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•


The reason for writing my article today is to participate in this beautiful competition organized by #trliste for the first time ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒŸ First of all, I would like to thank #trliste, who organized this beautiful contest, and our friend @damla, who manages the account, and my sister @baycan, who explained and informed me about every beautiful event.

Let's continue this beautiful article from where we left off. In this competition, I would like to talk about Alanya castle, which is our cultural heritage. Actually, I went to Alanya with my family a few months ago. Since Alanya is three hours away from Antalya, we set out in the morning. Afterwards, after having our breakfast in Alanya's famous Dim tea, we went to Alanya castle with my family. Actually the weather was very nice, but it was a little blowing and cold. It was still cold then. But even today we are in late June, but the day before it rained stormy here. So now the seasons can change. ๐Ÿ˜€

Before entering the Alanya castle, there were stalls with ornaments made of excellent pumpkins at the entrance. I also took photos of the souvenirs and ornaments here for you.๐Ÿ˜




This is the entrance part of Alanya castle in the photo below. While entering the castle, we entered with our museum cards. I took out a museum card because I usually visit a lot of historical places. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŒŸ

If you like to visit historical places, you should definitely choose the museum card. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Let me tell you a little about Alanya castle. This castle is surrounded by approximately 6km long walls and is built on a 10 hectare peninsula. Alanya Castle was home to Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations years ago.
I leave you the link below for more detailed information.







We passed the first gigantic castle walls and entered the castle. They restored the inside of the castle and a long, narrow walking path was made of beautiful wood. So that the visitors can visit easily. There were cannonballs in cages on the right and left of this road. They had evaluated everything that had history in this castle. Everywhere was fodder green. A fairy tale-like path in bloom, everywhere was like a corner from the garden of Eden. Daisies were everywhere. It was so beautiful that it cheered people up.

Maybe in the old days, it could be easily defended from this castle with a small military battalion. But now it has opened its doors to a very different beauty. It gave us visual beauty both with its history and with its green nature.






The place you see below was a church. Doesn't it look so beautiful? An excellent church dating back many years. I took a photo right next to this durable visual masterpiece.







Then let's come to the main place that shows us Alanya and its vast sea. This is the viewing hill of the Alanya castle. This is a perfect place in terms of scenery and you can see Alanya completely from here. The view is like a corner of heaven. ๐Ÿ˜












After visiting the castle completely and seeing these beautiful historical places, we left the castle. But we had enough of the scenery and the beauty until we got down from the castle. If you come to Antalya, do not forget to stop by Alanya. This is a natural wonder place with very beautiful visuals in terms of scenery and history. Don't forget to stop by. I would like to take pictures with this natural wonder and tell you that we have come to the end of this beautiful article.

I invite my friend @angelnature777 to this beautiful contest. ๐Ÿค—

Take good care of yourself. ๐Ÿค—
Stay with love . ๐Ÿ’• Goodbye.๐Ÿค—



Herkese merhabalar sevgili arkadaลŸlar.๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


Bu gรผn ki yazฤฑmฤฑ yazma sebebim #trliste nin ilk kez dรผzenlemiลŸ olduฤŸu bu gรผzel yarฤฑลŸmaya katฤฑlmak ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒŸ
ฤฐlk รถnce bu gรผzel yarฤฑลŸmayฤฑ dรผzenleyen #trliste ye ve hesabฤฑ yรถneten @damla arkadaลŸฤฑmฤฑza ve bana her gรผzel etkinliฤŸi anlatan ve bilgilendiren @baycan ablama รงok teลŸekkรผr ediyorum.

Hadi bu gรผzel yazฤฑya kaldฤฑฤŸฤฑmฤฑz yerden devam edelim .Bu yarฤฑลŸmada Kรผltรผrel mirasฤฑmฤฑz olan Alanya kalesinden bahsetmek istiyorum.
Aslฤฑnda bir kaรง ay รถncesinde Alanyaya ailemle birlikte gittim . Alanya Antalyaya รผรง saat uzakta olduฤŸu iรงin sabah yola รงฤฑktฤฑk . Sonrasฤฑnda Alanyanฤฑn meลŸhur Dim รงayฤฑnda kahvaltฤฑmฤฑzฤฑ yaptฤฑktan sonra ailemle birlikte hep birlikte Alanya kalesine gittik. Aslฤฑnda hava รงok gรผzeldi fakat biraz esiyordu ve soฤŸuktu. O sฤฑralar hava hala soฤŸuktu . Fakat bu gรผn bile Haziranฤฑn sonlarฤฑndayฤฑz ama bir gรผn รถnce burada yaฤŸmur fฤฑrtฤฑnalฤฑ ลŸekilde yaฤŸdฤฑ. Yani artฤฑk mevsimler de deฤŸiลŸebiliyor.

Alanya kalesine girmeden รถnce giriลŸ kฤฑsmฤฑnda bulunan mรผkemmel kabaktan yapฤฑlmฤฑลŸ sรผsler bulunan tezgahlar vardฤฑ. Bende buradaki hediyelik eลŸyalarฤฑ ve sรผslerin sizler iรงin fotoฤŸraflarฤฑnฤฑ รงektim .๐Ÿ˜




Bu aลŸaฤŸฤฑdaki fotoฤŸrafta ise Alanya kalesinin giriลŸ kฤฑsmฤฑ. Kaleye girerken bizler mรผze kartlarฤฑmฤฑzla girdik . Genelde รงok tarihi yerler gezdiฤŸim iรงin mรผze kartฤฑ รงฤฑkarttฤฑm. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŒŸ
Sizlerde tarihi yerleri gezmeyi seviyorsanฤฑz mรผze kartฤฑ mutlaka tercih edin . ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Alanya kalesinden sizlere kฤฑsacฤฑk bahsedeyim . Bu kale yaklaลŸฤฑk 6km uzunlukta surlar tarafฤฑndan รงevrilmiลŸtir ve 10 hektarlฤฑk bir yarฤฑmada รผzerinde kurulmuลŸtur . Alanya Kalesi yฤฑllar yฤฑllar รถncesinde Helenistik, Roma, Bizans, Selรงuklu ve Osmanlฤฑ medeniyetlerine ev sahipliฤŸi yapmฤฑลŸtฤฑr.
Sizlere daha detaylฤฑ bir bilgi iรงin aลŸaฤŸฤฑya linki bฤฑrakฤฑyorum.๐Ÿค—






Bizde ilk devasa bรผyรผklรผkteki kale surlarฤฑnฤฑ geรงip kaleye girdik . Kalenin iรงini restore etmiลŸler ve iรงine gรผzel bir tahtadan ince uzun bir yรผrรผyรผลŸ yolu yapฤฑlmฤฑลŸtฤฑ . Gelen ziyaretรงiler rahatlฤฑkla gezebilsinler diye .
Bu yolun sagฤฑnda ve solunda kafesler iรงerisinde top mermileri bulunuyordu . Bu kalede tarihi olan her ลŸeyi degerlendirmiลŸlerdi. Her yer yem yeลŸildi. ร‡iรงekler aรงmฤฑลŸ peri masalฤฑmsฤฑ bir yol her yer cennet bahรงesinden bir kรถลŸe gibiydi. Papatyalar sarmฤฑลŸtฤฑ her yeri . ร–yle gรผzeldiki insanฤฑn iรงini ลŸenlendiriyordu.

Belki eski zamanlarda askeri aรงฤฑdanda kรผรงรผk bir askeri tabur ile bu kaleden savunma kolaylฤฑkla yapฤฑlabiliyormuลŸ. Fakat ลŸimdi รงok farklฤฑ bir gรผzelliฤŸe kapฤฑlarฤฑnฤฑ aรงmฤฑลŸ. Hem tarihi hemde yeลŸilin doฤŸasฤฑyla bizlere gรถrsel gรผzellik yaลŸattฤฑ .






Bu aลŸaฤŸฤฑda gรถrmรผลŸ oldugunuz yer ise bir kiliseymiลŸ. ร‡ok gรผzel gรถrรผnmรผyor mu ?
Yฤฑllar yฤฑllar รถncesine dayanmฤฑลŸ mรผkemmel bir kilise . Hemen bende bu dayanฤฑklฤฑ gรถrsel ลŸaheserin yanฤฑnda fotoฤŸraf รงekindim .๐Ÿค—







Sonrasฤฑnda Alanyayฤฑ ve engin denizini bizlere sergileyen asฤฑl yere gelelim . Burasฤฑda Alanya kalesinin seyir tepesi . Burasฤฑ manzara aรงฤฑsฤฑndan mรผkemmel bi yer ve buradan Alanyayฤฑ tamamen gรถrebiliyorsunuz . Manzarasฤฑ cennetten bir kรถลŸe gibi . ๐Ÿ˜












Kaleyi tamamen gezdikten ve bu gรผzel tarihi yerleri gรถrdรผkten sonra kaleden ayrฤฑldฤฑk . Fakat kaleden aลŸaฤŸฤฑya inene kadar manzaraya ve gรผzelliฤŸe doyduk . Sizde Antalyaya gelirseniz Alanyaya uฤŸramayฤฑ unutmayฤฑn . Burasฤฑ manzara ve tarih aรงฤฑsฤฑndan รงok gรผzel gรถrsellere sahip doga harikasฤฑ bir yer. Mutlaka uฤŸramayฤฑ unutmayฤฑn .

Bende bu doga harikasฤฑyla fotoฤŸraf รงekinip sizlere bu gรผzel yazฤฑnฤฑnda sonuna geldik demek istiyorum.
Bu gรผzel yarฤฑลŸmaya @angelnature777 arkadaลŸฤฑmฤฑ davet ediyorum. ๐Ÿค—

Kendinize รงok iyi bakฤฑn. ๐Ÿค—
Sevgiyle kalฤฑn . ๐Ÿ’•



Sort: ย 

Alanya Kalesi'ni hep merak etmiลŸtim. Sayenizde oraya gitmiลŸ kadar oldum. Ancak sฤฑrf o manzaranฤฑn tadฤฑnฤฑ รงฤฑkarmak iรงin bir seferlik de olsa gitmek istiyorum. FotoฤŸraflar ve manzara รงok gรผzel gรถrรผnรผyor. Ellerinize saฤŸlฤฑk. :)

Ne kadar gรผzel bir ลŸey yapฤฑyorum dedim ลŸimdi . Size bu gรผzellikleri gรถstermek ve buralarฤฑ tanฤฑtmak รงok gรผzel bir duygu helede siz arkadaลŸlarฤฑmdan gรผzel yorumlar alฤฑnca mutlu oluyorum. ร‡ok teลŸekkรผr ederim โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—

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Thanks for your lovely and kind words. I am glad you shared such an interesting place with us. Much appreciated. Your photos are gorgeous! The castle looks really pretty there, especially the old church building. Thank you. Have a wonderful day and weekend ahead. Good luck in the contest!

Gรผzel sรถzlerin iรงin teลŸekkรผrler. ๐Ÿ™‚ Bรถyle harika bir yeri bizimle paylaลŸtฤฑฤŸฤฑnฤฑza sevindim. FotoฤŸraflar muhteลŸem! Kale gerรงekten รงok gรผzel gรถrรผnรผyor, รถzellikle eski kilise binasฤฑnฤฑ รงok beฤŸendim. KatฤฑldฤฑฤŸฤฑn iรงin รงok teลŸekkรผrler. YarฤฑลŸmada bol ลŸanslar!

TeลŸekkรผr ederim damlacฤฑm ๐Ÿ˜˜ yardฤฑmlarฤฑn iรงin tekrar teลŸekkรผr ederim ๐Ÿ™

Yakฤฑn bir zamanda Alanya Kalesine gitmek iรงin planlar yapฤฑyorum. Gรผzel anlatฤฑmฤฑnฤฑz ve resimlerle daha gitmeden heyecanlandฤฑm diyebilirim. Gรผzel paylaลŸฤฑmฤฑnฤฑz iรงin รงok teลŸekkรผrler. YarฤฑลŸmada baลŸarฤฑlar dilerim.

Sizede Alanya kalesi gezinizde gรผzel gรผnler dilerim ๐Ÿค— รงok teลŸekkรผr ederim

manzara o kadar gรผzel ki diyecek hiรงbir ลŸey yok, Antalya'dan birรงok arkadaลŸฤฑmฤฑz var burada ve bence รงok ลŸanslฤฑlar ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ

eski kilise etkileyiciydi, su kabaฤŸฤฑndan yapฤฑlan sรผsler de รงok hoลŸmuลŸ, matruลŸkalarฤฑ andฤฑrฤฑyordu ๐Ÿ™‚
ellerine saฤŸlฤฑk, yarฤฑลŸmada da bol ลŸanslar ๐ŸŒธ

Evet antalyada olmak bรผyรผk ลŸans ๐Ÿ€ รงok teลŸekkรผr ederim โ˜บ๏ธ gรผzel dileklerin iรงin

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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1599.

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Alanya kalesi'ne Ben de gitmeyi รงok istiyorum. ฤฐnลŸallah bayramdan รถnce izin alฤฑp gezmeyi dรผลŸรผnรผyorum.
Resimler ve yazฤฑn harika olmuลŸ Ellerine saฤŸlฤฑk canฤฑm. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ

TeลŸekkรผr ederim ablacฤฑm ๐Ÿ˜˜

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