Apparently The Rand Is Racist

in #hive-1679224 months ago


If the ANC chooses the right coalition partners then SA has a chance, but the wrong partners would spell disaster and be catastrophic for everyone. What the masses do not want to understand is foreign investment will dry up resulting in the Rand collapsing leading to higher inflation. Jobs would be lost and the country would become a second Zimbabwe.

The South African elections are over and a coalition Government has to be formed within the next 14 days. There is panic among many here as to what happens next and what the new Government will look like. There is only 1 scenario businesses want to see and that is an ANC-DA coalition. Any other combination and the markets along with the currency tank.

Back in the 2009 elections you never had these splinter parties from the ANC which due to falling out with corruption issues the EFF and now recently the MK party were formed. These are all ex ANC members who are corrupt as hell and is no wonder why some of the current ANC party would like to join forces with their ex colleagues. The loot would just get split 3 ways whilst the country suffered.


The DA joining forces with the ANC is seen as high risk by ANC members who would no doubt have to stop whatever corruption they are busy with currently. The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy has more to lose than most as we all know he is behind the load shedding debacle through his contacts supplying the diesel that feeds the national grid generators. Apparently there are 4-6 ministers in the cabinet who are involved in this deal and this lucrative would now end if the DA became their new Government partners.

The masses do not want a white in any form of government let alone a coalition that would see a white become the Deputy President. The excuse is they fear that Apartheid would return which is utter nonsense and an excuse because unless you are older than 40 you would not know what Apartheid was.

The new generation or youngsters who are educated are not voting with the masses and this was expected to happen at some point. The ANC having their splinter groups breaking up the once dominant numbers is not working out well for them. Greed has got them to this point and nothing else yet the majority do not understand and only see black and white literally.

There is no other way of putting this but the way people are discussing this is not on what is best for the country, but on the color of your skin. As a white person having seen both sides of the coin living under an Apartheid Government and also under a black Government I do understand the not wanting to change because it is reverse apartheid these days. I have received plenty of racist jibes which I have ignored, but the rest of the world can truly see how bad it has become if you are a minority.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The issue is with a lack of collaboration as the ANC/EFF propaganda machine strives to keep South Africans from working together with any sort of unity while they steal the money.

Indeed. It is not about race, but they make it about race. A great ruse.

But what to do?

It's real really disheartening to see discussions framed solely around skin color rather than what's best for the country. Don't know why people still do that... Hope things get better

Unfortunately it is always going to be part of society and you would hope things would change, but sadly they are for all to see. Voting certain parties in because of skin color is crazy and should be on what they stand for and that is making sure the country functions as one. If you cannot get past that hurdle then there is no chance and it will always be a them vs us scenario whoever is in.

You're absolutely right on that good friend 😞😞😞😞 I'll try not to lose hope

Really sad to hear SA journey, probably not what ppl envisioned when the apartheid regime fell.