Something To Read And Look At

in #hive-150329last year

I wanted to say something but didn't know what words to use.

It's times like this I wonder why out of everywhere I could be right now, I'm where they're expected.

Sometimes I'll throw a bunch in a hat, ~words, and then retrieve one at a time and stick it to the fridge like a magnet until something makes sense.

It's easier to write what I'm not saying

(Said the fridge)

Takes forever though. I had to write and tear out, crumble up and toss in a hat, one Iron Maiden song title for that sentence and not everyone in attendance knows who in the world they are.

That's disturbing.

As you can see they're not getting us anywhere, words.

What you're about to experience now are called memories. I save them on my device sometimes, ~memories. What I do is, point it at things and click a button. Below are some examples while I figure out what to say.


It's a tree.

Or, a bush.

A tree or bush with flowers on it, they’re white. I know a body of water when I see one and that's either a river or a lake for sure. Other than that and some limestone scattered along the shoreline, I got nothin. Next!

Walking trail—yata yata. Seen one, seen'em all. It's made of wood, woopty-do. It's on the side of a cliff with a rushing river below and a snow capped mountain ahead.








They're famous in San Francisco.

16th Avenue Tiled Steps, they're called. They're made for stepping and they're tiled and they're on 16th Ave, not much for originality. Some match the flowers in the garden and some don't. Two trees up top are having a Trump hair day, big deal.


Or not, whatever. What goes up must come down or everything's in the dark all the time and something else about sunblock, I got nothin.




What else? Looks like we got some as seen on TV stuff like Budapest and Paris, the shit they feed their kids in The South and what the


is that?!









It IS!

I've seen that photo I don't know many times and not once did I see it.

I couldn't get any closer to the duck than that. As dark as the little thing is, you'd think it’d camouflage better in the water but you’d be wrong, it doesn't. But a pour in place, concrete base, multi-purpose-use moth-erfuck-in cinder block?!


I almost missed it.




GIF_Green  Eye_Large.gif

Not one word about the perfect rainbow!

What happened @dandays? You're never lost for words!

Touché! I've been off my game lately. I totally meant to say they're popular in San Francisco. = }

Shew, I think your response has more words than your post!

What post?

I'm sure you heard all about a square peg won't fit in a round hole but what about 14 trees in a round hole?


I secretly kidnapped and gagged him.

Aha that explains it!

😂 I did my best but can't confirm details.

I've yet to meet a woman or man or neither or both or Wtf ever who doesn't want to gag me.

You were warned. You asked for it.

Cinder block as much of an eyesore in the water as a cart packed by a mother what looks to be all insta cook easy way out with no fresh fruits or veg!

Steps look good from the bottom, guess you stayed down there too no running steps today too much of a bother...

!LOLZ have a great day and rest of the week too...

Always love me a Joan sighting. Hello.

Now that you've brought it to my attention, I had a shot on this thing of the view from the top of those steps in here somewhere.

Oh well. Here's a couple future toothpicks instead.


So we looking for toothpicks....


When life throws a screwball, bat an alternative !LOLZ have an amazing day and take time to smell the roses...

How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch.

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart


What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart


What are we looking at in the shopping cart - is it something specific or just that it's a full cart with only processed food and no actual vegetables or meat?

Typical cart around here, exactly as you described. No actual anything that isn't processed or requires sunlight and water to grow.

And a lot of it.

It's quite full haha
Even the shelf on the bottom.

Dude I don't know how they do it. If I skip water for a day I can't poop.

Bonus visual..... = }

Lol. I hear ya man. I think my kidneys would shut down if I didn't have water for a day

bwahahhaha! i am the same! These guys are probably drinking pie juice!


A couple weeks ago I had surgery on my arm. Hospital waiting room, 7am, myself and certainly a handful of other patients are fasting, waiting to be called back and have our procedure done.

Three, 1, 2, 3. That's how many massive ass gigantic asses who can't fit in a normal waiting room chair and who've never met, each sitting in various parts of the hospital waiting room shoving Chic-Fil-A in their disrespectful face at 7 in the morning, fingers dripping lard, so the whole joint wreaks of salt and processed grease.

I was fasting.

I'm not bitter at all, can you tell?

psssh yoou don't sound bitter in the least amount! I mean, who would be? Grease! Who needs that lard? ESpecially if it's attached to someone's ass!

Fasting does thing to ppl though. lots of things we cant explain.

how is the arm?

Long way to go unfortunately. I've had zero use of my right hand, the dominant one, since the beginning of February.

Thanks for asking. Nerve damage.. F'ing horrible.

How the heck are you, though? Most exciting thing on your agenda this weekend in 2.. 1.. Go!

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I saw potatoes, onions, and bananas.

It's like an I spy book

😂 It is. That itself would be a great post idea.

Yeah true. I think there might be a cabbage in there too.

I missed that. I wonder if that cabbage is this.

Imagine going to a pool party as a kid where they're all "we'll have fresh heads of cabbage for everyone!"

Lmao 😂

Orange you glad it didn't say banana?

Have you been brushing up on ancient knock knock jokes?

Sounds painful.

:Knock Knock:

:Who's There?:

Smell mop.

All im thinking is how many fucking pies can one eat!

So many pies 😂

Life should only be lived if it is lived like Iron Maiden lyrics.

Whoever don't know that don't know Eddie.

He is quite the undead thing!

Only an Eddiot would question such a thing.

At least in am Eddiocracy they are free to question!

I clearly am missing a key element....goes back to the smithing station to hammer out an Iron Maiden....

There a time to live and a time to die...

and a time to meet your maker!

That just made me bust an involuntary laugh.

The question is, who is one's maker and are we made in a blender shaker?

I think suppose of us might be mate in a blender shaker. I suspect I probably was 🙂

As to the great maker,hmmm. Over can only find out by meeting them in person!

If you are, there's definitely cats, electric guitars, and bamboo in the blend.

Over can only find out by meeting them in person!

I tried that, all I found was an abyss full of abominable creatures.

Oh noes! Why do they always cluster in abysses? Bloody abysmal creatures!

I do love my guitars bamboo and cats! :OD

I think it's possibly because we all unknowingly live in the abyss. Then there's that thing about Dante's nine (yikes) levels of hell which I have avoided reading in it's entirety.

I do love my guitars bamboo and cats! :OD

I can't look at bamboo growing here without thinking of your bamboo trees. Did you have any luck with getting that black beauty one started from seed?

That rainbow is so clear.
In my country, whenever a rainbow appears, it means either it's going to rain on a straight 7days or blaze sun for the next 7days😅

Whaddup Kingsleyy with 2y's. Is that two Y's or too wise?

7 on, 7 off is one way to get it right I guess. Same thing over here they just say it different:

Partlt cloudy with a chance of rain.

You… lost for words…
And who doesn’t know Iron Maiden 😎
The photos say a lot already I have to give you that.

Have a lovely Tuesday 👋🏻😊

Who is Iron Maiden?

A few of their best numbers:

Oh wow, thanks! I don't listen to music very much for years. It's why @dandays leaves me so many music links.

You are welcome…
That’s cool he does.
You can ask we can share our music 😊
Have a great day!

Thank you @littlebee4! I will ask. He's really good at hitting me with the tunes. I can't keep up.

Have a great day yourself! 😘

You are welcome 😊 Hahaha cool 😎 make an album and save them all…

What kind of music do you like?

Thanks a lot. Enjoy yours!

I'm thinking a playist, or several playlists. I'll have to see what platforms he's got going.

What kind of music do you like?

It's easier to say what I don't like, since it's only a couple things:

Anything without that spark of life



@nineclaws! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @littlebee4. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

That last one she showed you might maybe, might not be the number I mentioned. = }

It better not be the number you mentioned because that's @brandt's number. He's owned that one for a while.

Did someone say 666?

😂 Count the number of @brandt, @dandays, and know it is the number of the beast................ (you can fill in the dots since you're far better at quoting verse than I)

That's Route 66 to you.

You're doing it again, being all sweet and stuff.

Hello, littlebee. Thanks for coming over again. I knew I'd catch some Europeans attention (London, well, used to be.. you know...) with that one.

Are you still by yourself?

Of course… for you always 😊👋🏻

Hello you, how are you both and Atlas?
Happy to read your posts.
Hahaha never lived in London lol but European yep… I’m here. 🤙🏻

Guess what… change of plans… as.. “why not?” …. I flew ✈️✈️✈️ today to the UK to join hubby until he can move mid July.
This way I can visit some friends and finalise some paperwork here and close that UK chapter.
We drive (and import the car) over with a short ferry the 11th, to Ireland 😎

Man, that's cool. Where did you fly into, what part of the UK are in right now? Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. Neat, we spent enough time there I can almost see your path.

Did he get you at the airport or did you hop on a train, Uber? I so miss not needing a car. Can't live without personal transportation in the US, won't work.

Will you ferry out of Wales into Ireland? I don't remember if one leaves Liverpool. You got like, what, two weeks?

Fun. And the weather probably isn't totally shitty right now. Meh.. it probably is. = }

I flew into East Midlands… hubby came and picked me up of course 😉
We are around Stamford area. So let’s say… I explore up to 1 hour around here for a bit.
The last 3 nights before we hop on the ferry we stay in Chester. Just under Liverpoool. To explore it.
We stopped there last time and it looked great to stay longer than just a dinner.

The ferry is Holyhead/ Wales into Dublin. As we need customs for the car import.
Last time when I went over it was Liverpool to Belfast. And a night ferry. The one in July is a day ferry and fast ⛴️⛴️⛴️⛴️⛴️

Yes me too. I love public transport. Used it always in Dutchyland or south Spain.

I brought some Irish weather over. They had hot sunny weather and now it’s cloudy and rainy 😉 but all good. I don’t mind. One can dress for it. !LOL

Since we crossed paths I think we've been talking about this. You think this is it, two weeks, and you'll both be parked there? Very patient, you've been.

That was better than google maps. I know that ferry out of Wales. So fun, many memories.

Traveling all through UK and Ireland, Liverpool was our favorite. It had the most 'familiar feel.' Has anyone ever told you it resembles California more than anywhere else on that continent?

Just wondering if I said it first.

Congrats, you. Good luck. Thank you.

Oh yes we did.
I officially moved already to Ireland 7 May. Hubby will move 11th July. I had to miss him for many weeks.
This will definitely be it for now. We really go for it. (Depending work of course as that could still change things) but… let’s just go with the flow for now 😎😁
Oh I have been, still I think we would have been better of in Massachusetts 😋

I haven’t been on that ferry yet, so looking forward to it. Will be sure fun.

That’s cool to hear (as a first 😉) we did enjoy Liverpool in May too.
Looking forward to Chester later.
Nope, never heard that one yet.

Thanks @dandays 😊 have a wonderful Thursday… almost weekend ☺️
You are welcome.

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @littlebee4


Now that was certainly something to read and look at. Lovely upskirt shot of the Eiffel Tower there.

I wanted to say something but didn't know what words to use.

That happens to me almost every day. Kudos to you for finding a cool solution by using memories.

I cut off the very bottom, censored, you know what words I mean, to avoid using nsfw preceded by #.

What the heck's up dude? Always nice to hear from you.

I'm about an hour east of where I was last time we got together. You around? Let's do linner. Brinner. Blunch. Ahbfucknwords!

I'm in Colorado at the moment getting slowly sucker punched to death by the universe. Otherwise I would totally meet up for linner-brinner-blunch. You gotta get your ass out here sometime. There are lots of deer just waiting to jump out in front of your car and kill themselves.

Oh dear, I just LoL'd at your misery.

You're supposed to be stone by now. I blame myself.

The devil told me to tell you that it's okay, don't blame yourself, maybe next time you'll do better.

Only maybe, eh. Well, I had a looksee into maybe and it may be that you are now stone but probably didn't see it. 😉

So much words but the rainbow was my favourite. Even though you failed to mention her! The most epic rainbow! But you subject us to a cinder block monologue 😂😂😂😂

That's exactly what farm-mom said. Two against one, settled, I need to use less cryptic words. I totally meant to say they're popular in San Francisco.


I read that, they are famous in San Francisco. But I thought you were talking about the steps. I should not think. It's far too dangerous!

I read that, they are famous in San Francisco. But I thought you were talking about the steps. I should not think. It's far too dangerous!

I read that, they are famous in San Francisco. But I thought you were talking about the steps. I should not think. It's far too dangerous!


But I thought you were talking about the steps.

Then, I was..

How are you, Ms Pants? Glad you didn't mind this one. I don't know if you noticed or not but I had a good time putting it together.

The rambling showed off the humour as well. You always seem to have a lot of fun with connecting them all together!

I'm good hey, just hustling hard! Finding it difficult to carve out some time to write some decent posts. Lots of intentions but never happening and also lots of random pieces of writing. I should string them all together hey lol.

How are you doing Dan the man?

Any better would be illegal if that counts.

Thanks for asking. You? Got anything going on today that you're embarrassed to share with the public? = }

Does your notepad look like mine? Mine's loaded up with opening sentences. Some are long enough to make a paragraph but are sitting on idle following the first period.


Actualy image from my notepad! Try and make sense!

Im actually really proud of this notepad, its the first i have in a long time thta is actually my own. My daughter has been stealing them previously and making doodles in them. She is finally old enough yo reapect my shit!

Oh, that. You mean she's old enough not to not get caught.

I've spent a lot of time trying to make sense of images I've saved but that one's special.

Rainbows are female?

I didn't even notice! I guess that's how they identify as! Their pronouns are her, she, wow, look! 😂

😂 I figured you didn't notice, but I found it irresistable to comment on. I identify with being. Not sure how pronouns work with that. 😂

bawahahhaaha! How can you not? if the opportunity presents itself you just gotta take it by the rainbow! !LOLZ

What kind of whale plays music?
An Orcastra

Credit: reddit
@nineclaws, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mimismartypants


Yeah, totally! To do otherwise would not be in my nature. 😂



I wouldn't buy anything with Velcro
It's a total rip-off.

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mimismartypants



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@eii(3/5) tipped @dandays
mimismartypants tipped dandays (x2)

This was interesting to read and the photos kept me awestruck. So much beauty in one post. My favorite was the picture with the rainbow, the the sunset, then the stairs(I think the stairs are really artistic)

Did you capture them on mobile or with a camera?

Those stairs I got with my barely hanging on by a thread iphone 8. The Eiffel Tower with a GoPro. Would you believe there's one in there I took with an LG flip phone. Remember those thing? That was a long time ago.

Otherwise, the majority of everything you see from me is either iPhone or GoPro. I'm the least savvyest guy in this thread.

Always nice to see you, Wongi, <3 thanks for asking.

Would you believe there's one in there I took with an LG flip phone.

Noo way! I remember the flip phones but I wouldn't believe that their camera would capture a clear picture. Let me guess; was it the walking trail? Or the first sunset.

Wrong and wrong. Ooooh, I'm smiling with my eyes, I got lucky. Again.

Thanks so much for playing!

Dodged a bullet with that one.


Now who would believe this?😅. There's something about the picture, is it the old gun, or the location or just the fact that I love seeing antiques.

How long has it been there for?

That location I don't know. It's on display at a popular park tourists go to. Itself, however, is 19th century.

That's one park I'd love to visit:⁠)

All good shots, but man... that rainbow! Looks like someone was having a snack attack at the store. Perhaps the family doctor and dentist are all the more wealthy for it. Now I'm not saying that snackie types things don't appear in my shopping cart from time to time, but for the most part it's full of meat, produce and cheeeeese!

You'll be back on your roll in due's just a speed bump lol

Dear Ms Lovelace.

Hello. I'm glad I put that one in there, it's getting some nice reviews. I've had it for awhile, I should've shown you a long time ago I guess.

I'd say it's a one off and all that processed shit's probably expired so they're donating it but even when I don't have words, they're not lies. They all shop like that here, Ms Ace. Ok, maybe just one—lie. When Pura tells me don't take pictures, I say ok. = }

Well in your defense...Pura makes a lovely subject for pictures, so she can't blame you!

fyi, still working on it


@dandays! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @eii. (3/5)


What did the hotdog say to the bun?
Listen buddy, i'm going to be frank with you.

Credit: reddit
@dandays, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @eii



@eii cheers sir.

Dear @dandays, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @eii.

I wonder how a cinder block got in the lake???

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Stop now! Trust me, it'll keep you awake at night.

Whaddup! Much thanks for keeping an eye on me sir.

Hey, at least nothing was attached to it!

I think it might be the equality sign, you know, for pride month, not a cinder block.

I wonder what that woman was gonna do with that head of cabbage. Probably for her pet rabbit. It looks so out of place amidst all that processed non-food. I forget sometimes that a majority of people have no idea that the food they think is good for them is actually poison. Then I see shopping cards like that and I get sad. No wonder american produce is unripe and expensive. Nobody's buying it!!

Nice boring pictures. I especially liked that really boring one.

Equality? I spLeL that right? I've never heard of it.

I did that boring one just for you, I'm glad you didn't miss it.


Ripe is getting weirder. The window for good is getting real narrow. Get some bananas to the house, they're too green to eat but, if they sit on the counter 20 minutes, now they're only good for baking.


Green bananas are for putting into brown bags with rock hard peaches and avocados. They do some crazy hanky-panky in there for a couple days and then they all come out ripe-as-hell-hurry-up-and-eat-them-before-the-fruit-flies-start-spontaneously-generating.

And then the got dang fruit flies!!

I once set a vinegar trap for fruit flies, it worked. But there was so many of the little things in the wine glass by the end of the week, each week, I just switched apartments.

Know any good tricks?

Ps - Thank you.

I wonder if they come from organic bananas. Or maybe there are invisible larvae hiding in nooks and crannies all over the insides of every home and as soon as it warms up and you bring home the fruit, they bust out their wings and invade.

I've set vinegar/wine/cider traps for them, too, with a little bit of soap in the water. Once there are enough dead fruit flies in the trap they go apeshit. Either they have some kind of invincibility complex or they're in a Kool-Aid cult.

Do I know any good tricks? No. But sometimes I watch them climbing all over the deathtrap. They're really cute, sweet little things. Makes me appreciate their existence. The appreciation doesn't make them go away, but it does make them less annoying when you can see their individual souls.

As usual. I need to provide a really boring, vanilla reply as I am late and as usual, out-witted by you and Boomy! I wanted to do a 'Bring your daughter to the slaughter' comment, he said sadly!

So. I love the wooden trail, beautiful, naturally fitting into the environment but I wonder, can you cycle the trails as well as walk? In the UK, some footpaths can only be walked which is a shame.

Loved the steps.

Would have taken the cinder block home as I have a wall to build

What sort of deranged barmpot would go to a supermarket and only buy lawn feed and bog roll?

As for the 'normal' shopper;

Who ate all the pies is the shout...

Have a wonderful weekend, building more memories :-)

Who ate all the pies and wth do you mean, late? I didn't notice.

Funny. When I first started this, all I did is what I'm doing now but back then if I said I didn't notice, they got PISSED! = }

I appreciate you keeping an eye on me. I look forward to your visits and I know they're coming—never a bad time. I'm diggin the postcards from Thailand, sorry I don't get by more often. I can be a real asshole sometimes.

Ima ask one more time but if I don't get a response again then I know you're doing it intentionally—you ever been to the states where lawn fertilizer, halibut, motor oil, bleach, diapers, cough syrup, narcotics and diesel and fresh baked goods, school supplies, a/c filters and birth control and... are each sold under one roof?

Pretty good post about nothing. A little bit of nothing here, a little bit there and the next thing you know, you have something.
As I was reading, a story came to my mind. It's not completely formulated yet, but it could be my 2nd short story.

Let me know if you put that short story out if you don't mind, tag me or something, I'd love to know where these couple of hardly noticeable images took you.

Hey what's up man? Welcome to month two on Hive. Glad you found us. What do you think so far? It's a cool spot, I've been here quite awhile. It takes some figuring out but, all in all, I avoid things that suck. = }

Pleasure crossing paths with you, I appreciate the follow. Let me know if I disappoint and I'll make me try harder.

My first short story I just posted a few hours ago. That 2nd one I started, but it's still formulating.

Of course, that one, I already saw that one. I mean if what I put together inspired you to create something.

Purr her her her fect...

I juss pulled over for the night on i-20 about an hour west of Augusta, GA. TMI..? Oh there is more. I am laying here in the sleeper bunk in my skivvies...

...settling in to watch season 2 ep. 1 of Star Trek - Strange New Worlds on Paramount+.
When I am done with what I have been L👀king forward to L👀king at all day. I will be L👀king for...

"Something to READ & L👀K @"

tenor (10).gif

TMI..? Oh there is more...

I lol'd and not just the acronym. That was funny. Not like The Jerk though. My words. They're everywhere.


Peak of his career, Steve Martin's best flick.

It's probably hot down there. By there I mean Georgia.

"He hates these cans!"

See what I mean?


I liked his stand up and SNL stuff also.

Who you calling Jerk?? Muddafukka... Lmao


I am laying here in the sleeper bunk in my skivvies...

Ever heard of TMI?

Great post about a women buying foods as if ......................................... ! Or could it be, she lives too ................. from civilization? Or maybe she simply doesnt know a way, that finally one day she could sing: ..........................................
Thank you very much for the inspiration to my TTT post and for bringing me out of my own "dont know what to write thing"

If what I did helped you then call me _______ and throw me in the _______ cuz I've been having such a difficult time with words lately like that's what they put in their face on this side of the ocean. They all do, she's not a one-off.

How are you Ms. Beeber? I hope you're feeling alright. <3

I just saw that mention. I wouldn't miss your serenade for nothin!!

not at my best, but still I am very okay :-)
who needs words ;-) look at us, only really understanding 50% of what the other says we still find a way to dedect the true meaning. I think. Or we just think whatever we want to think LOL

not at my best..

Is there any sort of window in the future where you'll potentially feel better than ever?

That was really well said.

Is that fresh? What you said. Do you think you felt that way, say, two years ago?

When I come through these times I'm sure will be at best conditon I ever have been.

Guess it started all two years ago. Seems to be true what they say look back from where the disease started, 6 - 18 months on which stress you had back then.
Anyway... Lamenting at a high level. I dont know my body this way, so tired, so unreliable. But still its very okay compared to others.

Ah fuck, Beeber. What a painful reminder.

Imagining your day to day makes these physical ailments plaguing me elementary.

Hey ❤️ dont worry
Lets be confidential everything will be fine

That's a lot of dots for my imagination to fill in.

I know it was a little brain jogging exercise for dandays 😉
And he could find the answer in my TTT Post

I don't think there are enough dots to ever describe that exercise.

Can you link me to your TTT post please?

here is the solution:
Great post about a women buying foods as if ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! Or could it be, she lives too FAR AWAY from civilization? Or maybe she simply doesnt know a way, that finally one day she could sing: "I SAVED THE WORLD TODAY"
It was a fault, I didnt count and put in the right dots number!

There is no "right" number, it's impossible to ascertain, so therefore all numbers of dots are both right and wrong at the same time.

Get jiggy wit it 9.!!

U kin dew et.!!!


I went in 9 circles.

Nine GIF_Lg.gif

Your creativity is very nice, you are a good writer ✍️. I love that post

I love your comment more.

Really, I'm not just fumbling for words. Thank you.
