in #dcity3 years ago

Hello CARTEL family, happy to be coming in with this update for all you ruthless Cartel gamers out there, I am your dCity operator @ecoinstant and I will be showing you some tips and tricks when it comes to the management of a dCity account.

Among the cartel we have piled up a nice sized grouping of various nfts, and its up to me to manage this mess in the most profitable way possible. Send any donations directly to @cartel-dcity account.


The recent news in dCity land, we are at the final form of what was a multiple step function. The overlords of dCity have been lowering ('nerfing') the effect of popularity, which had the expected effect of making population more valuable. We have been moving through this process for a number of months, and just now have arrived to the maximum nerf. Popularity is still sweet, but nowadays not nearly as sweet as it used to be. And finally, yes, the price of population is much higher now than it once was, more on this in a bit.

This is the graph they always use. We are on the blue line now, damage is done, the nerf has been nerfed.

If you haven't logged into dCity in a while, you are going to find that need more workers. And maybe lots of them. And now they are expensive. Luckily we were prepared.

You'll know you need more workers if the population status indicator is red. If its yellow, they are unemployed workers (surplus).


Once it turns yellow, we can move on to other parts of our city. If the yellow number is really big it can cause social support costs, but that is not the main problem people are facing now, its mostly population.

Here is our leaderboard stats for our CARTEL city:


Our city is a result of several donations, especially the entire city of @flauwy that was put into the @cartel-dcity account without cost. When @flauwy and I first began talking about about managing a dCity account as an operator within the CARTEL, I knew that the city would need more population as the popularity nerf continued, and we made the following deal.

dCity Fund (nft city) is managed by operator for 40% operator profit share.

So far I have not taken any profit, in HIVE or in SIM. They are growing on the account and can be viewed in the wallet - we are growing our SIM Power and are starting to earn daily bits of HIVE interest from holding rewards.


If the CARTEL is interested, they can match all the SIM against SWAP.HIVE in the pool, its paying about 49% apr right now between BXT, SIM and liquid HIVE rewards. A goal for the CARTEL, and all interested players should know this, is to get to 1 million SIM so they can access the dcity rains discord channel at least, but also special prizes and auctions for the SIMmillionaire ranked folks.

Just ask @nervi about it in discord and give him the name of your account with 1 million SIM or more and you could be participating in this draw today:

The other thing I agreed to with @flauwy was that we could pay up to 50% of the value for dCity NFTs for a limited amount of CARTEL. We are in it to make deals folks, I am talking big city underpriced buy outs, hit me up in the discord folks if you have your old dcity nfts just lying around and you want to get on board with the amazing CARTEL gaming guild and all it is building.

For me its an excellent way to selectively hedge out of dCity, an area where I am already dominant, or at least competing very well.

And the first most important point was to get enough population to power our donation city. I also upgraded the city with an essential 'law firm' card, which every city must have to mitigate the effect of daily taxes.


I started with farms and basic homes, if you use farms to populate your city, make sure you are taking advantage of its income bonus with the GMO tech card.

This happens to be the most profitable tech card to mine and the only one we have unlocked on the account.


For these cards I already received 7.54 CARTEL tokens valued at 11 USD each, and I send them directly to my INCOME Synergy fund, which you can read more about here. I hope to do the same with the following trade: I just sent the city 300 more basic homes to get enough population after the recent final nerf we were talking about above.

And I checked the basic home prices, and instead of 285 sim, I found this:


Those stars are ones that I am selling on my personal @ecoinstant account. I am thinking that basic homes have gotten expensive, but ALL population has gotten expensive, even and maybe especially citizen cards. If the prices push any higher, I will probably look to sell them on the @cartel-dcity account and use the proceeds to buy farms, which add 5 population, 10 INCOME and 2 Popularity to a cities stats.

My view of dCity strategy

dCity is a slow-playing simulation game. It is not a game that you need to log in every day, if you know what you are doing. Its more about keeping up with the meta, and finding the most profitable ways to take advantage of ranking rewards, sim income and sim related incentives, other token mining, NFT mining (tech, background, citizens) as well as potentially taking advantage of price volatility on the various NFTs themselves.

As long as you can keep up with the curve, and even better if you can stay ahead of it, dCity will continue to be a slow money printer. Recently the SIM income is low with high taxes, and the holding rewards are lower than they were for holding SIM, but the ranking rewards have a renewed spirit and are giving out 413 HIVE per day.


What we need to do now is identify the cheapest ways to move up the ladder for most effect on one or more of the 5 different leaderboards. And I think I have found the best way after studying the boards.


For just 700 education we can increase our daily payout for education to 0.112 HIVE, this is 8x what we are receiving now. Of course education is very expensive in SIM terms right now, I think it must have something to do with the STUDENT airdrop.

But we will see what sort of tough deals we can work out, to squeeze the best value out for the CARTEL, after all.


As a post script and bonus to CARTEL members, I will give HIVE SBI prizes to any one with a constructive question in the comments that I address in my next operator update. Make sure to read this one twice there are a lot of great tips in here!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 96 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

It definitely lovely and attractive to play which is definitely a work well done

@ecoinstant! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Our city is a result of several donations, especially the entire city of @flauwy that was put into the @cartel-dcity account without cost.

That wasn't the agreement. I wanted you to make an educated guess on the value of my city so I can swap it into the Cartel. I spend thousands and thousands of HIVE on my city and didn't plan to give it for free. Since I never heard from you about its value, I assumed it was basically worthless. ;-)

I would like to see some ROI calculations before making any new investment into dCity. We need to know how fast we will earn our investment back and which elements of the game make the most sense to create value.

Excuse me, I have all the information I can get that estimate to you!


This is really good material for an operator post, so @flauwy I have nominated you for 10 HIVE SBI as mentioned in the post!