Memoir Monday #48 (2/3-2/9) - What Simple Pleasures Bring You Joy?



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

Memoir Monday participants – we’re, sadly, almost at the end! Only three more prompts to go after this one. As cliche as it seems as we look back upon our lives it’s really the simple pleasures that give us the most consistent and lasting joy. Take a moment to honestly think about what gives you these sparks of joy in your life. List them. Some of them might not make sense, so many things about us humans don’t. However these things are, in large part, what makes you unique. Answering this particular prompt in simple list format will reveal a whole lot about who you are and what ultimately motivates your soul.

Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).

For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:

What Simple Pleasures Bring You Joy?

My answer:

The smell of a campfire.

A hot shower or soak in the tub.

Doing an anonymous good deed.

Feeling the sunshine on my skin.

Floating in the calm turquoise waters of the warm Caribbean Sea.

Baking bread.

The dopamine high felt after completely exhausting yourself, physically.

Spending unstructured and unhurried time with a good friend.

A good cup of strong coffee or green tea.

Reading a good book.

Conquering fear.

Solving a problem.

Learning something new.

Taking a long, slow bike ride.

Sharing time with family.

Fixing something that's broken.

Thinking outside of the box.

Feeling appreciated.

Introducing someone to a new experience they enjoy.

Traveling to a place I've never been.

Eating White Castle cheeseburgers (IYKYK).

Strumming a guitar or playing my clarinet.

Having a singular moment of pure peace.

Talking with my Mom.

Feeling the joy of the muse coursing through me while writing.


Hiking and camping in nature.

Lingering in the beautiful golden glow of twilight.

Interacting with birds, squirrels, and other animals.

Flying on an airplane.


A spontaneous road trip.

A good sleep.

Feeling loved and secure.

Riding a rollercoaster.

Laughing at a funny joke or making someone else laugh.

Teaching someone something.

​Getting lost in a really good book or podcast.

Watching Still Game.

A good glass (or two) of red wine.

Owning and enjoying well-made and/or handcrafted things.

Cooking and/or eating a delicious meal.

Experiencing the feeling of contentment and gratitude.

​A deep meditation session.

Listening to great music in the car.

Discovering history.

~Eric Vance Walton~

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well that's an interesting subject, i think i would agree with most of the list & i would also add watching movies/series + drawing/painting & playing video-games. have a great day

I love this prompt. Hope to get them together.


Wow I liked your response as much as the prompt, life is full of simple moments that bring us great pleasures and sometimes overlooked. I appreciate very much how you invite us to value and enjoy life.🤗❤️

Wow me gustó tu respuesta tanto como el prompt, la vida está llena de momentos simples que nos brindan grandes placeres y en ocasiones pasan por alto. Aprecio mucho como nos invitas a valorar y disfrutar la vida.Un fuerte abrazo 🤗❤️

I was nodding along as I went through your list, until I saw 'flying on an airplane'... Traveling is fine, but as far as flying is concerned my favorite part is getting off the airplane. Life would be so much better if teleportation was a thing...

Lol! Air travel is a necessary evil for those people who want to travel but don't like to fly. I think a lot of people fit into that category.

Thank you very much Erick for your publication and the invitation to share the simple pleasures that make us feel happy according to our lifestyle. Writing will be a pleasure. A hug 🤗

You're welcome! Looking forward to your participation! Have a wonderful day.

My list would be so long, but I can sum it;

  • Completing succesfully what I planned

  • The smell of any new thing that is unpacked

  • Warming weather in spring

  • Friday evening after work

  • Preapring for abroad travel

I agree with that last one! Those few days of anticipation before a trip are the best.

I would definitely have to agree with a lot of those. There are some I can't relate to, but the camping ones for sure and anything involving water though I have never been to the Caribbean. Sometimes I just really enjoy laying on my couch looking at the ceiling on a lazy Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

Having an unstructured day or afternoon is a great break!

Why did I sigh when I finished the list? I think because I agree with you on many things!!! This topic seems beautiful to me, because sometimes, we think we need big things to enjoy life and we don't: in those small daily details, monthly, is the secret of our happiness and our youth. The summary of our happiness is in those little moments that make us say “Aaaah and sigh”. A hug, Eric!

This one was fun to think about. It made me realize how simple of a man I am. These little things, when strung together, are really what makes life worth living. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday my friend!

Same to you, friend! I hope you can soon take a dip in the waters of the amr caribe!!!! Hugs

Wonderful prompt here for people to explore around
I personally I will say one of the things that always brings me joy is when listening to music and reading