Solutions to Hardship & Sufferings pt2...#TopicReview

in #hive-1820742 months ago

Starting the second series on finding solutions to hardship and sufferings by saying God does not afflict without a cause i think is a strong word and perfect to begin with, you see a lot of us go through so many difficult moments in life, hardship and sufferings turn out to blame God for it, you hear people say things like i think God does not like me, or he refuse to answer my prayers, why did allow all this predicaments to befall me, if He Cares why did he allow me go through all this troubles and hardship in life.

But in this teachings a second series on the Topic solutions to hardship and sufferings, we discover that God does not afflict without a cause as a matter of fact he afflicts those who afflicts us, who are after our life and good living...
Lamentations 3:33.

But rather what we all go through are consequences of our actions and inactions, in the book of Duetronomy 30:19 says

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
2 Thessalonians:1:7

Talking about God justice system which is unbiased righteous and fare, no respecter of any man, equal to all whom he created, God is willing to fight for us to afflict those who afflict us without a cause, the prayers of the psalmist is filled with such prayers, remember he who watches over us neither sleeps nor slumbers, ever faithful ever just, ever true now and always.

@Hiventhusiast Thanking you for your time & attention, every upvotes, reblog and comments are very much appreciated


Nicely said. Thanks for sharing