Double Dose mRNA Injection 'Offers Very Little, If Any Protection' Against Covid, Pfizer CEO Admits - Confirmed by Official Data, Scientific Studies

in #hive-1223153 years ago

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In true clown world fashion, the show goes on, and the narrative continues to crumble as the clowns make bigger fools of themselves by the day. Trump, "who now sounds like an evangelist for vaccines," pretends he doesn't understand why millions of his disgruntled supporters booed his endorsement of the experimental mRNA injections, the former president recently urging supporters to get the shot and repeating the sacred mantra, 'safe and effective' yet again, as he has repeatedly done on numerous occasions by now, all while taking full credit for their rushed production. Meanwhile millions of his loyal supporters act surprised that the man still hasn't jumped off the Big Pharma 'vaccine' bandwagon. And speaking of Big Pharma, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla surprised us all when he dropped a massive truth bomb on January 10, publicly admitting first in a CNBC 'Squawk Box' interview and then on Yahoo! Finance what countless independent journalists, bloggers, scientists and doctors have been warning for months based on available scientific studies and real world data - that the experimental mRNA injections being mandated for millions of people around the world are highly ineffective, and more specifically that the double-dose regimen affording recipients the status of 'fully vaccinated' "offers very limited protection, if any," against Covid.

"We know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. The three doses, with the booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths -- and, again, that's, I think, very good -- and less protection against the infection," Bourlan said.

In case the interview is removed from YouTube, the bombshell admission can be heard in the intro of the recent TLAV show, The Pandemic Of The Injected: As The COVID Narrative Implodes The White House Doubles Down On Lies:

As Jordan Schachtel writing for The Dossier headlined the news, After once claiming his shots are "100 effective," Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots "offers very limited protection, if any," against COVID-19. Despite that headline being 100% accurate, a wave of establishment 'fact-checks' ensued, with Snopes rating the factual claim as "mostly false," International Business Times declaring that "the claim is absolutely false and baseless and is distorted," while AFP Fact Check "debunked" The Dossier's "misleading claim" it said was "part of a flood of inaccurate information circulating online about Covid-19 and vaccines," featuring a big red 'X' across Schatel's twitter post of the news that apparently grossly "misrepresented" the CEO's remarks.

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Yes, the Pfizer CEO did previously declare the two-dose regimen of the company's experimental mRNA injection to be 100% effective against Covid, and yes he did say in an interview last week that the same two doses "offered little, if any protection" against the disease, so what is so 'absolutely false and baseless', terribly 'misleading' and totally 'inaccurate' about this establishment-declared 'misinformation'/'disinformation' widely circulating among so-called 'anti-vaxxers', 'vaccine skeptics' and 'COVID-19 conspiracy theorists' that the entire media apparatus of the establishment immediately jumped as one to 'debunk' and 'correct' this wildly erroneous 'misrepresentation' of Bourla's embarrassing claim? Ready for it? "Bourla never said that Pfizer's two-dose vaccine offered limited or no protection against Covid-19 but was talking about the efficacy of the vaccine against the Omicron variant."

I see, so the 'Omicron variant' is not Covid-19 then, it's a different disease, maybe just the common cold being passed off as Covid to perpetuate the 'pandemic' illusion? It is frankly embarrassing watching the propagandists attempt to explain away this admission, and has become quite the farcical ordeal. You're only allowed to report this embarrassing admission in a very specific way so as not to paint the admittedly ineffective 'vaccine' as being ineffective; otherwise the factual reporting of Pfizer CEO statements will be deemed as 'misleading', 'out of context', 'misinformation'. As CNBC reported, the injection regimen previously deemed 100% effective against the 'virus', of which 'Omicron' is admittedly just the latest variant to emerge, is simply 'not enough for Omicron', implying of course that two doses was enough for 'Delta' and every other previous variant said to be driving disease, which is demonstrably not true at all, and they all know it.

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As damning as it is, the Pfizer CEO's admission is purely strategical in nature, for how do you sell a third dose of a '100% effective' injection but by admitting that the first two totally 'effective' doses are somehow no longer effective, and what better way to do that without admitting outright that two doses don't work than by blaming it exclusively on 'Omicron', implying the new variant rather than a faulty 'vaccine' is to blame, even when the very same data supporting the claim also demonstrates conclusively that two doses does indeed offer 'little, if any protection' against Covid in general...

It's quite the game they play to perpetuate their 'safe and effective' injection narrative, indeed, in the face of a mountain of evidence indicating just the opposite. Just as occurred with the rise of 'Delta', the latest variant of concern being used to drive forward the 'pandemic' narrative and agenda is simultaneously being passed off as the latest major driver of disease, of Covid, while also being presented almost as a totally new virus that can't and shouldn't be expected to be stopped by a supposedly 'effective vaccine' - no doubt in part to cover for the truly astounding lack of efficacy these injections have had against the 'virus', a lack of efficacy that has been observed and documented from long before the emergence of 'Omicron'. This is why a third shot is necessary, they say, because 'boosters', unlike the first two shots, "offer reasonable protection" that the Pfizer CEO 'thinks' is "very good."

"However," CNBC informs us, "Bourla said it’s unclear how long a booster dose will provide protection against Covid," calling into question just exactly what "very good" means to the folks over at Pfizer who initially sold their two-dose regimen of experimental injections as 100% effective now pushing a third dose of these ineffective injections as the solution to their failing vaccination campaign, despite even the third dose offering a measly 40%-50% efficacy against the 'virus' according to the establishment 'vaccine'-pushers themselves: "The U.K. Health Security Agency also found that boosters are only 40% to 50% effective against infection 10 weeks after receiving the shot."

“The question mark, it is how long that protection lasts with the third dose,” Bourla said.

So they admittedly don't know how long that dismal 40-50% 'protection' will last, although studies clearly show it will only be a month or so, and they clearly know it isn't long because Israel has already rolled out 4th doses for its population and even the CDC here in the US has already begun to recommend 4th doses to the same 'compromised' individuals they first recommended 'boosters' for last summer when the ongoing booster campaign first kicked off. Yes, the 4th-dose campaign is already arriving, even before the 3rd-dose 'booster' campaign is in full swing, so we can all see just exactly where all of this is heading...

They may be currently selling their 3rd-dose 'boosters' as necessary simply because two doses "aren't enough for Omicron," as if it is only because of Omicron that the previously '100% effective' 'protection' against Covid needs to be 'boosted', but let us not forget that this global booster campaign was launched well before the emergence of Omicron on the world stage, all the way back in August in Israel and September here in the US, so it clearly had nothing at all to do with two doses offering inadequate 'protection' against 'Omicron', but Covid in general and 'Delta' specifically. This '3rd-dose is necessary because of Omicron' nonsense is a facade to cover for the fact that the injection is ineffective against Covid, period, and a mountain of evidence in the form of real world data and scientific studies proves it.

All the way back in April of 2021, for example, doctors all across the country were already reporting that over half of their Covid patients had been vaccinated, with evidence that the injection actually increased risk of infection already widespread and now documented in scientific studies, with deadly waves of post-injection Covid outbreaks also not uncommon. Almost as soon as the very first 'vaccine' recipients began reaching the status of 'fully vaccinated' 1.5 months after initial injection, news of 'breakthrough cases' began to surface, and all of this even before 'Delta' emerged, let alone 'Omicron'. By August, with 'Delta' in full swing and 'breakthrough' cases clearly demonstrating that being 'fully vaccinated' doesn't equate to 'protection' against the 'virus', reports were coming out of Israel indicating that 60-80% or more of Covid hospitalizations were actually in the 'fully vaccinated', which, along with a host of other real world data, was conclusively demonstrating that the two dose regimen of this experimental injection was not at all effective against Covid, at least not against 'Delta' which by that point was the only main driver of disease and thus the only relevant strain of the 'virus'.

The more evidence that emerged, the more it became increasingly clear that these shots were entirely ineffective after a very short period of time during which they allegedly offered only a moderate amount of limited 'protection', with some of the country's highest transmission counties among those with the highest rates of vaccination and those with the lowest rates of transmission among those with the lowest rates of vaccination. So when 'Omicron' emerged on the world stage, what had already been scientifically established as the reality for many months was finally, albeit much belatedly made official, that: "The pandemic of the Vaccinated is Here," and that it "can no longer be denied." Omicron of course serving as the convenient scapegoat for the long-established lack of injection efficacy against 'Covid-19', being used to sell more doses of the very same ineffective 'vaccines' already not working against the Delta variant...

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It would appear that vaccines are about the only major business out there in which there is a massive profit motive for product failure, whereby the less effective one's product is, the faster it sells; and the more harm it causes, the faster government and corporate America moves to mandate it...

The 'vaccines' don't work, and the real world data proves it

  • 75% of hospitalized Covid patients are vaccinated, significantly higher rates of infection and mortality rates among injection recipients, and even the 'boosted' at higher risk of Omicron infection than the unvaccinated

For month after month after month, official UK government data has been revealing the reality that the majority of Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths are among the 'fully vaccinated', further evidence that it is not Omicron that is the problem here, but rather ineffective injections that have been ineffective since long before Omicron, and will continue to be ineffective long after its passing. The latest data from the UK Health Security Agency's COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report published January 13 shows the trend continue, with over 3x as many new cases in adults of all ages in the 'fully vaccinated' than the unvaccinated, and also a significantly higher rate of infection among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated when adjusted per 100,000, as high as 2x or more!

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Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 19-55-09 COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 2 - Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-2-2022 pdf.png

Additionally, over 70% of total adult Covid hospitalizations were among the vaccinated, more than half of the total adult Covid hospitalizations were among the 'fully vaccinated', and there were 2x-6x more hospitalizations among the 'fully vaccinated' than the unvaccinated in those aged 60 and up...

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The proportion of Covid deaths among the vaccinated looks much the same, with over 3x as many total deaths among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, the vast majority of those in the 'fully vaccinated', and only 29% of total deaths attributed to Covid occurring in the unvaccinated.

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Neither is such data isolated, with the official Covid numbers coming from Scotland and Ontario also revealing the shocking reality that far more Covid hospitalizations (and deaths) are occurring among the 'fully vaccinated' than the unvaccinated. In Ontario, the latest data updated on January 17 indicates that a solid 75% of Covid hospitalization are currently among the vaccinated, with nearly 3x more 'fully vaccinated' hospitalized patients than unvaccinated!

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Much the same reality is evidenced by Public Health Scotland data, which also further reveals that not only are there far more total Covid hospitalizations and deaths occurring among the 'fully vaccinated', but there are also higher infection and death rates among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, seriously challenging the notion that the only reason there is so much more disease among the vaccinated is because there are so many more people who are vaccinated, as opposed to a highly ineffective injection. Even a population with an 80% vaccination coverage seeing 80% of its Covid patients among the vaccinated is not exactly indicative of a 'highly effective' injection, let along one that is '100% effective', but when the numbers of infections and deaths are that much higher per 100,000, nobody can argue that these shots are effective at preventing serious disease leading to death, let alone infection and transmission, even if the hospitalization rates may be lower in the vaccinated as the UK and Scotland data both appear to indicate.

This is what a pandemic of the vaccinated looks like, and it doesn't bode well for those who put their trust in these experimental mRNA injections. Starting with the most recent data from Scotland, via the Public Health Scotland COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report published on January 7, showing total Covid cases and case rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated for the four weeks from December 4 through December 31:

Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 13-12-03 Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Winter Statistical Report - 22-01-07-covid19-winter_publi[...].png

We can see that the vast majority of total 'confirmed' Covid cases are among the vaccinated and there is a significantly higher rate of cases among both first dose recipients and the 'fully vaccinated' than the unvaccinated, and also a steadily increasing rate of new cases among the 'boosted', with the data suggesting no significant reduction in 'protection' from infection with a third shot compared to the unvaccinated by the last week of the year. No wonder the Pfizer CEO can say he is unsure of how long third dose 'protection' lasts, it looks to be fading away almost instantly!

A similar pattern is again seen in Covid deaths from November 27-December 24, with the vast majority of Covid deaths occurring among the vaccinated, and significantly higher mortality rates among both single and double-dose recipients than the unvaccinated, with data suggesting a third dose initially results in a slightly lower mortality rate for now - but for how long?

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With just three reported 'Omicron deaths' in the UK and no confirmed deaths from as opposed to merely with the new variant, we should not think that this lack of 'vaccine' efficacy against deaths has anything to do with Omicron; these are Covid deaths, plain and simple, if one believes in the virus narrative and trusts the PCR tests anyhow, and the data clearly indicates that both single dose injection recipients and the 'fully vaccinated' are more likely to die from Covid than those who don't take the injection at all. It can be argued that a third shot does initially lower risk of Covid death based on this data, but then again, the only way to get to a third dose is to first take the first and second... And then there's also the recent Norway study that found ZERO 'vaccine' effectiveness against death for Covid hospital patients.

When it comes to hospitalizations in Scotland, between 70-75% or more of total Covid hospitalizations are among the vaccinated with a significant proportion of those being booster recipients, although hospitalization rates are at least slightly less among single and double dose recipients than the unvaccinated, but only very slightly. With a reduction in hospitalization rate per 100,000 between the unvaccinated and 'fully vaccinated' from 82 to 77, or 43 to 39, as seen in two of the most recent weeks of Scottish data, the improvement is so slight as to call into question the entire case for vaccination - reduction in hospitalization and deaths, now merely a replacement in light of the total failure to achieve the original goal of preventing infection and transmission, which at this point has been long abandoned.

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Then in the same report from two weeks earlier, showing hospitalizations from November 20-December 17, we can actually see in the week of November 27-December 3 a rate of hospitalization among single dose recipients that is significantly higher than the unvaccinated and rate of hospitalization among 'fully vaccinated' that is equal to the hospitalization rate of the unvaccinated, further calling into question the injection's ability to consistently reduce rate of hospitalizations even slightly, let alone prevent them altogether...

Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 12-53-24 Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Winter Statistical Report - 21-12-22-covid19-winter_publi[...].png

And although a reduction in hospitalization rate may be a good sell, increased death rate is not; and when the vast majority of hospitalization is occurring among the vaccinated, it is hardly relevant that that rate itself may be a tad lower than it is among the unvaccinated, because the hospitals are still being filled with vaccinated patients, not unvaccinated patients, and even 100% vaccination coverage isn't gonna change that one bit.

When combining the numbers of Covid cases, hospitalizations or deaths among all those who have had the vaccination rather than separating them out based on number of injection doses, it becomes abundantly clear that the world is dealing with a pandemic of the vaccinated, with the vast majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths among injection recipients of some type. Additionally, taking the the week of December 4-10, for example, the week covered in the most recent report that shows the very best 'vaccine' efficacy against infection, and we can still see that both single and double dose injection recipients are at equal risk of infection as the unvaccinated, that both single and double dose injection recipients have a higher Covid mortality rate than the unvaccinated, and that there are far more vaccinated Covid patients (275 total, 202 'fully vaccinated', 56 'boosted' ) being hospitalized than unvaccinated people (113).

Proponents of this experimental injection can continue to maintain that all of this data somehow supports the initial establishment claims that two doses was found to be 95-100% effective, or even the claim that this 'vaccine' is 'effective' enough to warrant mandating it upon the unwilling, or that it is even 'effective' at all at preventing anything besides the sharp decline in Pfizer and Moderna profits that would ensue if the masses were told the truth that the shots simply don't work as advertised. Or they can ignore all of the data that challenges their faith in these injections, but that won't make it disappear, and those who have seen it can't unsee it.

As it is, a large recent scientific study from Denmark confirms the total lack of efficacy of these injections, against both Omicron and other variants, notably indicating that all injection recipients, even the 'boosted' third dose recipients are at greater risk of infection from Omicron than the unvaccinated, which alone challenges the entire current booster narrative.

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A 'vaccine' with such rapidly deteriorating effectiveness that it manages to achieve a negative efficacy after just three months is certainly a sight to behold...

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No vaccine should increase risk of infection, struggle to significantly reduce hospitalization rates, and result in a significantly higher mortality rate post-injection, and yet that is exactly what these shots appear to be doing according to the official numbers coming from those places reporting Covid data based on vaccination status, unlike the CDC which won't give Americans the breakdown by injection status. But then again, these shots aren't actually vaccines, as a vaccine by definition immunizes the recipient against the target disease and thus prevents infection, as opposed to offering nothing but a slight reduction in disease severity as these gene therapy injections are now being advertised to do. The injection's dismal failure to 'vanquish the virus' and 'end the pandemic' as initially promised shouldn't really be all that surprising considering that the very first big scientific study, the Pfizer trial itself, found that this particular 'vaccine' causes more deaths than it prevents.

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According to Pfizer and all the vaccine-pushing Big Pharma puppets, however, that's just what the profile of a safe and effective drug looks like, and these are very, very, 'safe and effective' experimental gene therapy injections, 'safe and effective' just like Thalidomide...

Big Pharma's played this game before, you see, but that doesn't mean the public has to play along this time. The real world data is there for all to see, the studies are abundant, and people can choose to listen to what the media calls their lying eyes or to the profit-driven Big Pharma executives assuring them that this shot is 'safe and effective', even when their own biased clinical trials designed to succeed don't tell us that. And sometimes even the Pfizer CEO himself will admit for a second that they know full well their 'safe and effective' shots "offer little, if any protection," and when he does, the world would be wise to listen up. The thousands of hospitalizations and deaths among the 'fully vaccinated' clearly appear to back him up on that point, no matter how strongly the media insists his admission is being grossly misrepresented by all the misinformation-peddling, science-denying conspiracy quacks over here busy citing all of the science that the media loves to ignore in the name of science.

Trust the 'science', or the 'experts', or the Big Pharma reps, or politicians, or media pundits, or whoever it is telling you to take another jab, and ignore all those attempting to show you the data and telling you to make your own informed choice - only fringe anti-science lunatics would do such a dastardly thing as that.

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I am currently looking for any data that gives a clue about how to fix the side effects of the Phizer shot (heart condition specifically). If you can point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.

  • does the effect ever wear off?
  • how long it takes?
  • does anything fasten the recovery?

Keep exposing this scam, in 10 years time 50% of the population may understand!

Wow, the incredible amount of work that goes into your reports deserves so much more. Thanks, seriously, for doing this job. Very tough to wade through the deep and foul BS of the MSM and associated scoundrels and orgs every day. Much appreciated. You got my vote, and appreciation, anyway, @jasonliberty! For all that's worth.

Its funny you mention misrepresentation which is precisely what you are doing because you know that the full context here is not what you claim and he was specifically discussing the Omicron variant. And given the waffle above you blatantly don't understand the variants or choose to wilfully misrepresent them.

I wonder what the anti-vaxxers will move onto after COVID?