Study Findings Suggest 'Long Covid' Not a Covid Syndrome After All: No Correlation Between Confirmed Covid 'Cases' & Persistant 'Covid' Symptoms in France

in #hive-1223153 years ago

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Since its inception, the story of long-haul Covid or 'long Covid' has been one of the most suspicious facets of the Covid illusion, clearly not what we were all led to believe it was - which was, to put it simply, an ever growing smorgasbord of symptoms ranging from sudden hair loss to swollen tongues and toes, from head and stomach aches to joint and muscle pain, and from shortness of breath to brain fog; all supposedly symptoms of Covid that last indefinitely, some lingering from the days of illness and others that don't develop until months after recovery from infection, but all blamed on the 'virus' without solid evidence the 'virus' is even to blame.

As all of the official data from around the world increasingly revealed that Covid was no more dangerous or deadlier than the flu, 'long Covid' quickly became a core building block of the Covid Con to prop up the illusion that the world remained in a 'pandemic' that never was, the 'long Covid' narrative consistently used to fear-monger the masses into compliance with the tyrannical 'medical' measures of the day serving to advance the globalist technocratic agenda. This is particularly evident with the latest Covid 'wave', or Omicron variant of fear, as the scary threat of 'long Covid' increasingly became a key focus of the establishment propaganda machine when all of the real world data, scientific studies and 'experts' around the world repeatedly confirmed that Omicron was in fact incredibly mild and not deadly at all.

As the Dallas Morning News put it on January 14:

For some patients, COVID-19 has been little more than a cold and several days of isolation. But the virus has plagued others with what is known as long COVID, a range of debilitating symptoms that continue for months after someone’s initial infection.

In late December, in part of his desperate attempt to keep Americans in a state of terror for the holidays, key establishment 'expert', 'vaccine'-pusher and Fauci loyalist Dr. Peter Hotez shifted his focus from the mild Omicron to the scary 'longCovid', insisting that we must keep it on our radars even if Covid hospitalizations are dropping, insisting that: "Getting Covid is not ok, it's not just the hospitalizations."

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The 'long Covid' fear-mongering continues, with The Conversation reporting on January 11 that, "For the 1 in 10 patients who become long-haulers, COVID-19 has lasting effects," a January 12 Bloomberg Businessweek Podcast entitled, "Long Covid Impacts Millions Worldwide," and the BBC reporting the very next day that, "Nottingham Oxygen Centre says around a third of members have long Covid." This long Covid narrative is being used for two primary purposes, perpetuating the 'pandemic' fear in the face of the truth that Covid is no bigger a medical threat than the world faces each and every year with the flu and other respiratory illnesses, and to pressure parents to inject their children who are otherwise at little to zero risk from Covid.

From its very inception, 'long Covid' has been used in the establishment attempt to incentivize 'vaccine' uptake in young and healthy adults, teens and children, and this is evidenced by the narrative being spun by Dr. Hotez nearly a year ago, captured in a February 9 CNBC piece entitled, Long-haul symptoms should be a ‘wake-up call’ for young people when it comes to avoiding Covid, Texas Children’s doctor says, reporting that: "Young people are less likely to die from the novel coronavirus, but severe long-haul symptoms should be a “wake-up call” to them, says Texas Children’s Hospital Dr. Peter Hotez." And with Pfizer injection now authorized by the FDA for children 5-11, alleged prevention of long-term Covid symptoms or 'long Covid' is one of the main selling points of the 'vaccine' for children who, according to official government estimates have a lower of a risk of death from Covid (1 in a million according to Oxford calculator) than they do of experiencing a life-threatening allergic reaction in the form of anaphylaxis (2-3 in a million) or debilitating heart inflammation (myopericarditis, 26 in a million) which studies previously found has a 50% long-term mortality rate in 10 years. See my in-depth report on the mountain of evidence demonstrating that the risks far outweigh any potential benefits in children and teens.

In answer to the question, "If children don't frequently experience severe illness with COVID-19, why do they need a COVID-19 vaccine?" the 'vaccine' pushing Mayo Clinic's COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know page states that, "a COVID-19 vaccine could prevent him or her from ... experiencing short or long-term complications," elsewhere clarifying that these "long-term complications" refer to the set of long-term symptoms diagnosed as 'long Covid'. And on January 12, an piece relays the warning that: "Statistics from the UK Office of National Statistics also show 117,000 children are living with symptoms of long Covid well after their initial infection has passed."

In the video below, establishment doctor Caitlin MacMillen with UC San Diego Health shares the official estimated risk of the life-threatening adverse reactions in children mentioned above, still endorsing the 'vaccine' for reasons, including the threat of 'long Covid' ("long-term health complications") and the blatant lie that natural immunity is both less robust and wanes quicker than 'vaccine'-induced 'protection' which is proving to be quite worthless indeed.

Clearly, for the young and healthy and all those watching the Covid narrative implode before their eyes in so many ways, 'long Covid' is a truly necessary ingredient, both for the perpetuation of the 'pandemic' fear and to incentivize child vaccination. No surprise then, that if you've recovered from Covid, or have previously never even been diagnosed with the disease, and yet you have any of the numerous symptoms attributed to the phenomenon, you may just have 'long Covid', and will no doubt be diagnosed with it. But if it turns out to be a largely fabricated propaganda construct rather than an actual set of symptoms caused by Covid, then the 'long Covid' narrative collapses right along with the rest of the crumbling narrative used to perpetuate the pandemic illusion. Indeed, the evidence suggests this may well be the case.

We already saw last summer how people who had never even had Covid in the past are being diagnosed with 'long Covid', and if even those who not only never got sick during the 'pandemic', but even tested negative are later diagnosed with 'long Covid', we are quite obviously dealing with a fraudulent 'disease', this so-called long-haul Covid business. Now, a large peer-reviewed scientific study published by JAMA on November 8, 2021, has shed more light on the reality of the situation, casting even more doubt on the theory that 'long Covid' is caused by Covid at all, and at the very least demonstrating conclusively that a large number of so-called long Covid 'cases' are entirely unrelated to Covid, actually widely occurring in people following negative Covid test results.

The study analysis was derived from 26,000 French adults during the 'pandemic', and sought to establish the relation between positive Covid test results and "persistent physical symptoms" associated with 'long Covid' - including fatigue, breathlessness, and impaired attention - and found that "self-reported COVID-19 infection was associated with most persistent physical symptoms, whereas laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection was associated only with anosmia," and this remained the case "even when restricting the analyses to participants who attributed their symptoms to COVID-19 infection." These findings suggest that there is little to no positive correlation between 'confirmed' prior Covid infection and persistent symptoms ascribed to the 'virus' and diagnosed as 'long Covid'. In other words, the study was unable to establish that Covid actually causes the persistent symptoms blamed on Covid and diagnosed as 'long Covid', and the authors note that, "persistent physical symptoms after COVID-19 infection should not be automatically ascribed to SARS-CoV-2; a complete medical evaluation may be needed to prevent erroneously attributing symptoms to the virus."

Furthermore, the authors conclude that belief rather than Covid may be largely responsible for attributing "persistent physical ['long Covid'] symptoms" to the 'virus' rather than their true causes, whatever that may be:

The findings of this cross-sectional analysis of a large, population-based French cohort suggest that persistent physical symptoms after COVID-19 infection may be associated more with the belief in having been infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Further research in this area should consider underlying mechanisms that may not be specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A medical evaluation of these patients may be needed to prevent symptoms due to another disease being erroneously attributed to “long COVID.”

Even The Conversation 'long Covid' piece, clearly aimed at distilling fear of this "new and ugly pandemic-related problem" into the hearts and minds of the masses, shockingly admits just how little is actually known of this terrifying scourge now sweeping the earth, including that we don't even know what it actually is! "We know it generically as 'long COVID,' though it’s hardly generic, and we still know very little about it, including what it is," the authors write, and then further revealing that there is really no way to ever scientifically establish that this syndrome as it is being called is actually caused by Covid at all, as researchers are still working to determine what the cause is, and they have no reliable evidence and will likely never get it.

We are working systematically to determine what the cause and effect might be. We need reliable evidence, but it is elusive.

Even finding the “control,” or comparator population, for research — those who have not been affected — is hard, because some people who have been infected with COVID-19 were never diagnosed, while others were diagnosed without testing.

As long as there remains a segment of the population that may or may not have had COVID-19, it is devilishly hard to assemble a control group that would allow us to draw definitive conclusions about what long COVID is — and what it isn’t.

A further obstacle is that we lack detailed pre-infection health information for COVID-19 patients, making it challenging to measure how post-COVID-19 condition has changed them.

So researchers don't actually definitively know what 'long Covid' is, or is not, and they likely won't ever be able to. Study findings do suggest that these 'long Covid' symptoms often have absolutely nothing to do with Covid, however, and everything to do with one's perception that they had Covid, due to the incessant media propaganda responsible for programming people to see and hear and experience all disease everywhere as Covid, in some way, shape or form - if not as the disease per se, as symptoms of infection that develop months later, surprisingly even in people who were never by establishment standards ever even infected. Some of those symptoms are in 'vaccine' recipients, demonstrating that if there are 'long haul' symptoms caused by Covid, they are also being caused by the injections as well, the spike protein likely the culprit in both cases, as numerous studies have indicated. Researchers have found that thousands of 'vaccine' recipients have developed 'long Covid' symptoms post-injection, despite never having had Covid, leading to the acknowledgment by honest scientists, doctors and researchers who aren't sold out to the establishment agenda that 'vaccine-induced long Covid', or 'long haul post-vaccine syndrome' as it is alternatively called, is a very real phenomenon, as former 'vaccine' proponent and recipient, alt-left comedian Jimmy Dore found out the hard way.

Whatever 'long Covid' may or may not be, one thing is clear, and that is that the establishment, which is using it to their own ends and to advance their own political agenda, is lying to you. 'Trust the science', they say, but what they really mean is trust the 'scientific consensus', which in turn means trust the 'experts', experts like Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Fauci, who continue to drum up fears of the mild 'Omicron', little understood 'long Covid' with its myriad shape-shifting symptoms, and anything they can possibly point to in their desperate bid to keep you terrified of life, and push their highly profitable and dreadfully ineffective experimental injections onto you and your children. That it is all about the injection is made abundantly clear in a December 17 KHOU TV headline: 'Vaccinate, vaccinate or vaccinate. But make sure you vaccinate,' Dr. Peter Hotez says as omicron surges

“Vaccinate… vaccinate… or vaccinate. But make sure you vaccinate," Hotez says. Those are your three options, and that is their message. Because the 'vaccine' saves lives, and 'anti-vaxxers' are driving up 'vaccine hesitancy', which costs lives, thousands of lives, according to this spokesman of the empire. The actual scientific studies on the other hand, Pfizer's very own randomized control trial, clearly demonstrated that more people who take the jab die than those who don't. But 'trust the science', right, and get the jab, because they save lives, because Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Fauci said so, and be terrified of Omicron, and long Covid, which are both definitely very real, very serious, very scary, and absolutely not caused by the injections, ever, which are very safe, and very effective.

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Live in fear and get the jab, and another jab, and another, because no matter how many doses of this experimental injection you take, it will never be quite enough to 'protect' you from the next 'wave', the next 'vaccine'-evading 'variant of concern', or the latest scary symptom to be added to the list of 'long Covid' symptoms, until you take the next one, and then the next one, and the next one... Then you'll be protected, fully protected, eventually, if you just take enough 'boosters'. Not at risk of Covid? We don't care, take the jab. Have natural immunity? So what, take the jab. Pregnant or immune-compromised or in any other group upon which the 'safety' of the injection has yet to be determined? Take the jab, the CDC says so. Take the jab, and go ahead and get your flu shot on the same day, and who cares that you're on medication we haven't tested potential adverse reactions against, or even if you want to mix-n-match your shots and take a different 'booster' than the initial injection despite not being tested, you can do that to. It's all cool, we don't care, just get over your stupid hesitancy and take the jab.

Be scared and take the jab, peasant, and hop on up onto this perpetual vaccination treadmill and never jump off, for billions in Pfizer and Moderna profits depend upon it. And nothing else matters to these Big Pharma sales reps and puppets of the globalist technocratic agenda.


Funny how quickly you have "long" covid research. No worries about the vax long term influence like making the body dependent when this mRNA techbis skipping a major part of the body immune process.

Yeah, I have "long Covid"...... and have had it for 6 years now, unfortunately. Well, not the swollen tongue, but basically the rest. It's horrible, and no, I don't have a diagnosis for it. Obviously it's not from Covid, which I also have had (twice). Perhaps it's from a previous virus I had, or even the flu vaccine which was forced on me in 2006. Maybe I've got MS? I may never know, since I can't get medical care right now, and the future is looking... weird at best.

I am constantly shocked at how SO many people are still blind to the lies, regardless of how blatant and ridiculous they become. I have lost much of my faith in humanity.

It's less and less people, at least in Austria. It is only the media and polifucks that perpetuate this story...
That's why some say it is a war between people and governments.