Cryptocurrency market continues to fall in the past 24 hours. Fallout from FTM news may have exacerbated the market price drops. Still I like many other cryptocurrency investors are holding on to dear life on are vested tokens. Today I like to look at where SPS price is and what I think it is heading to.
Earlier in the week official Splinterlands had disclose the transfer of SPS and DEC in game onto ETH or BSC chain were to go through TeraBlock bridge with a 0.5% fee.
I personally believe this update will make more players try to learn how the hive ecosystem works if they came over to play Splinterlands outside of hive. The free and fast transactions makes it even more attractive.
SPS Price
SPS price remains steady right above $0.11 for weeks now but relative to Hive it has been within a 0.1 to 0.15 Hive per SPS. For buyers who steadily increase their SPS exposure can slowly accumulate SPS at this price range.
The daily SPS air drop is now into its final 1/3 of days left within a year of the air drop. This means around July the daily air drop for amassing collection points ends. Yet there will be a total of 400 million to be air drop when this ends. Compare that to tokens earned in play to earn it is less than half in total amount of tokens.
This leads me to believe that as more SPS comes into circulation there is potential for even lower prices to follow for SPS. There currently simply are not enough use case for the token at this current time. Even though it was use as part of booster pack sales and promotion offers there is still the lack of what SPS was design to do, provide governance votes for its holders.
Road Map For SPS
As a reminder the SPS distribution is supposedly going to last for five years and five months. The amount of SPS distributed per a month is listed in snapshot above and it can be seen that participation in the game bares a lot. From rank battles, to land expansion play, and then tournaments and guild brawls there are plenty of games to play and earn. The future for earning more SPS is pretty clear.
However how the total supply of SPS will help in gaining price for SPS remains to be seen. There is a lot going on in the game itself that it is likely the price of SPS is not going to rise for a while. With land expansion remains to be launch and that the addition of SPS to rank battles is held off it is difficult to determine when additional use case for SPS will be arriving.
Yet we all can see that there are many catalysts in the near future that can easily rise the value of SPS. This maybe the best time to accumulate more SPS as the prices have remain near a bottom price.
Until next time thanks for reading!!!
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