in #hive-1820745 days ago

Welcome to my blog on mass indoctrination day 2. The Church of God is a better place and a better name it is the one recorded in the bible ,in the bible it is church of God which is the house of God the pilar and ground of the truth, the owner of the church is God, he built the church for man. It is in the bible,the bible which is the doctrine of Christ recorded that it is the church of God,that is where the apostles were and it was preached by Christ, we should not hate anyone because of church, because if we receive Christ we should also receive his church.

One who has a good name it far better than those with earthly riches, in the bible the good is the name of God none is good except God,when it comes to a good name there is no better name than God. Some people worship things created by God almighty, such as woods, cows and other animals, animals are not God, they are created by God for man to eat and not for worshiping.

Let love be with all dissimulation, cleave to that which is good and abhor that which is evil, this is implied to our everyday practice. The church of God, If there is a church we should believe and we should preach it should be the one recorded in the bible which is the church of God,true church of God which he purchased by his own blood and was built by God.

God made Man in he own likelihood and in his own image, Man are more powerful than animals, animals are tamed by Man. Man is higher in order of God's creations. According to science man belong to animal kingdom but we are Superior than them, It is the creator that should be worshipped and not the things created by him.

Some bible passages that was read:
I Timothy 3:15
Romans 1:25
Proverb 22:1
Luke 18:18
James 3:7
Acts 29:28
Romans 12:9