Yesterday we celebrated Christmas. Like I said in previous post, some Orthodox Churches still use old calendar (even thought it's not case for all, since some accepted new calendar), so we celebrate Christmas on same date, but it's on 7th of January by new calendar. Also, even the essential of the holiday is same, some customs might be different. Even in our country customs are different in different parts, as cusoms are made and change by people and how they like it.
This day is the first non-fasting day and since it's celebration of Jesus Christ birth, it's followed by a lot of nice food. The most important thing on the holiday table is "cesnica". Cesnica is flatbread that contains things suck as penny, piece of Badnjak tree, corn, beans... All of this have some sort of the meaning, so for example, who ever gets a piece of bread with a penny in it, it is believed that they will have money that year. Usually a piece of tree represents health, luck, house, corn means you will have pigs... As you can see, these are old symbolics, so mostly people give each piece fitting meaning for nowadays. I got a piece of tree that represented house, and also corn. Most people want to get penny :D
As I also visited my grandparents and some cousins, I had total of four lunches today (I didn't take photos of one). Now I don't have need to eat for the next seven days :D
Other interesting custom for Christmas here, is that you should start doing many things that day, so you would do them all year, and you would be good at it. For example, kids usually do some studying, reading... For us, since my grandparents are celebrating their Saint in only two days, we had to make some cakes. So I guess I will be making cakes all year? Well no, I was mostly there to try out stuff and do some simple things. But I did some caramel decorations for the first time. I will share some photos of making cakes, and cakes, but they are not all done yet.
Also like I said in a previous post, I did some horseback riding, but I was just joking about me being a jockey. Even though I am small and light enough for it, I don't think it's something I would do. But I would like to learn to ride a horse on my own better this year. I will share photos of me on horse as well as me with 2 of my favorite horses.
As it was time of celebration, it was in order to drink some in that name. Choice was white wine for me.
Chirsmas is beautiful holiday and brings happiness and joy to everyone. It's great time to enjoy with family all day (as it's not working day). I really hope everyone had nice celebration, as they like it. I had busy but great day, and great time with all familly members.
Some photos are taken using Samsung S20 phone, and some using sony alpha 6400. (all original taken by me, or of me)
Thank you for reading my post ^^