Goodnight. Today I thought I'd begin at the end of the post, then work my way up to the start. The plan only lasted one word though. It was an impossible task; I'm not sure why I even tried yet, still managed.
My name is temporarily Nobody Special and I've been busy working on a few things again. For instance check This out:
This makes a good thumbnail.
However, it's time to move on to something else.
Some of you out there glued to your devices because of people like me might remember a time when you thought you knew and saw everything. As if life, the world, and all the other things, were done.
You remember that time well because up until you saw This, you had no clue about a few other things and something else.
Soon, everything changes, as your world once again becomes alive with the unforeseen.
For instance. Ever see one of these before?
At least one of you has.
That's Slop McGlob
Just something I slopped together real fast while talking to one of the only people I know from Florida. That's how This started as well. Except when I made This, I was talking to the one guy I know from Scotland.
Wait. Hold On:
This Post Isn't Going Anywhere
Over the years I've released and shown off a lot of my creations here on my platform.
I also sit around shooting the shit with people from time to time and occasionally I'll go quiet for a few minutes, then plop a strange picture down into the comment thread; usually for no particular reason at all. I just felt like it.
So there's all kinds of personalized little bits of my brain floating around that never actually reach my own blog until I do something like I did just there. ~nods confidently~
I'm sure many of you who are no longer around probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately; and no new art in a long time.
I have quite a few reasons and even a few excuses. Doesn't really matter now though because after all this time, I've finally decided to put a little more of me into this space.
Remember, back in the day, I'd produce some pieces in red; very simple, but they'd always pop? Did another one the other day:
The name might piss you off though.
I called that one: Went to the Market
Maybe I'm just having a vision. Pretty sure several of these crypto kids have wanted to shoot me at least once in the past nearly six years because of some of the shit I do and say.
Oh well.
Moving on:
See what I did there?
That's taking the same style, going a little harder, but not as red.
I named that one: Did It Again
Keep in mind, these are all done by hand. Of course it's a digital magic wand of sorts but you know what I mean. I'm not the type to push a magic button and the art makes itself. I actually sit here like a moron, doing it the hard way, knowing full well some troll might come along just to remind me about how much life I'm wasting and how I should probably just go die already instead of doing art.
I guess that's the life I signed up for though; so it's all good.
Next piece requires a certain kind of brain and a different set of eyes to truly enjoy:
Similar Style
This time around I've highlighted certain areas and darkened others. There's a strong chance you're seeing things in that image that aren't actually there. Went the extra mile with that one though. For most people, viewing it from a distance and up close will provide different visuals.
I tested it myself and tripped right the fuck out.
When I create a piece like that all I'm doing is painting the tricks my eyes play on me. So as the artist, I am applying subtle hints and suggestions for the eyes but for the most part, a piece like that heavily relies on pareidolia in order to be fully appreciated.
I called that one: Looking Around
Now prepare to have your mind blown:
Another Mind Gone
That's the name.
Looking closely you might notice the top and bottom are quite different but if you flipped the piece over, nothing would change.
Pictures within pictures within pictures; mirrored.
I've done a few more pieces like that as well over the years. With something like that I need to be careful because if I'm not, I could disrupt the entire space-time continuum.
So there we have it.
Four brand spanking new artworks and several days worth of work all crammed into one five minute read. I hope you've enjoyed yourself.