The recovery of the nature reserve from fire damage.

in #hive-1064442 years ago

We popped in at our local nature reserve again and I found some strange birds.

Ever so slowly nature is recovering as we saw a lot of green ground cover, but the trees and the famous protea bushes will take a few years to recover.

I have shown you the fire and the damages to this area in posts before and every now and then we return to see how things are going over here in the nature reserve. A worry is that I have not seen one of the Snapper Turtles yet and I wonder if they survived the heat.
Fires are bad news here as they kill many of the smaller animals, but Mother nature always restores herself.
Come and look.

Hellooo! Now what was this? A strange duck with two heads?

Nope. It is a pair of White-faced Whistling Ducks (Dendrocygna viduata).

This is the lovely face of the female.

And here we have the face of her husband. Such pretty little things, don't you think?

If you look closely, then you will see there is a tree on the bank of the dam towards the right of the picture.

Something landed in that tree, and I wondered if it was an eagle.

Nah! It was a Cape Cormorant (Phalacrocorax capensis).

This was the best shot of the zoom that I could get of him.

There are wonderful views all around as the nature reserve is on top of the last hill before the mountain.

So yes, nature has many wiles and fire is one of them. Either by the hand of man, or by the hand of nature itself. Now we might think that fire is a very bad thing, but did you know that for the plants and trees to be regenerated fire is needed every few years. I found this strange, but then when I thought about it, it made perfect sense. In our normal gardens, we often have to take out dead flowers and dead plants. Nature does this with fire. And after she waters it with rain showers, the plants and trees recover and new ones grow all over the place.
An amazing system.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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It is comforting to know that Mother Nature has begun to recover her splendor after the ferocious attack of the indolent fire.

The photos are great dear @papilloncharity. I really liked the photo of the "bird with two heads".

That paradisiacal place, where you have the joy of living, deserves the best possible protection.

Always grateful for your publications

Take care of yourselves!

I love the way that you structure your comments and it is very educated.
It always sounds so good to me when I peruse them.
I am glad that you liked the post and I agree about the importance of protection.

You also take care.



hermosos paisajes, la naturaleza siempre sorprende y se sobrepone a la adversidad. saludos

Thank you for your appreciation of the post!

wow muy lindas fotos =)

Thank you!

Ducks are handsome pair enjoying the pond, lovely to watch natures rebirth after a burn, some controlled or natural lightning strike fires, sad when vandalism, nature always recovers.


Thank you and I was glad to see that there was some life there. Normally a cacophony of birdsong, but now as silent as a cathedral.


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