Crowdsourcing a Vax for the “Genocide is OK During an Election” Virus 2024. Acrylic on corrugated plastic board, 24 x 36"
154,419,384 people voted for genocide in the United States. That is a big, scary and stupid number of human beings moved by the propaganda machine. However, it’s not the end of hope for eternity, even though it is bye-bye for Palestinian longevity.
In the 2024 Presidential election, there were 258 million eligible voters. The good news? 100 million refused to vote for either sociopath, or picked the candidate not represented by their thought-control TVs. It is this non-voting bloc that provide a glimpse into our future, which is hope for me.
I suppose a majority of non-voters don’t care either way about the untimely deaths cause by shrapnel cutting into child organs; many in America are homeless, addicted to drugs, roving in gangs, or just too depressed to get out of bed in bleak November to care about such things, no matter what the year and agenda. But there must have been quite a few who abstained because of their distrust of power, especially when it openly guts defenseless people on video after video across social media.
Either way, 100 million (eligible) non-voters comes very close to non-compliance of a sick and twisted system called American politics. And therein lies hope for the future. Maybe next election the majority will no longer vote. And the following one reach 75% non-compliance. That number will beg to question if there is ANY legitimacy left for a federal government to tax us for oligarchy. By then maybe we’ll all be homeless, addicted to drugs, roving in gangs, or just too full of rage not to retaliate against the thugs holding power illegitimately.
For now, we abide. Me, the 100 million, those under 18, and the 4 million souls rotting in prison. We just need several more million to go bankrupt, or lose their F150’s to cancer, or their retirement portfolios to tank, or their social security to get stolen...
One can only hope.