in #life3 years ago

Soon he'll be asking you where you got your glass from and then he'll be drinking "kombucha" out of it and you'll be skull dogs and before you know it he'll be round for dinner and Christmas parties and then what will you do XD


I don't know, it will be like a scene from Mad Max 2 and we will be dressed in leather road rags riding our hogs off into the sunset to the sound of gunfire!!! Lol

That's...rather terrifying actually but also might be kind of sweet? XD

Or I will be wearing his skin with a pair of goggles and brandishing a flamethrower at the sky from atop the broken ruins off a city 😃😃

That seems a more likely outcome but really isn't any better XD

Yes, it might not be the best for long term. Will have to avoid getting drunk to ensure it doesn't happen!

Under very specific circumstances? As I can't see you not getting drunk XP

Yes, you are right. As long as I start off the brandy I should be fine.
