Legends of Elumia : Not a Review, but the Start of a Series
I was torn about my original BattleMage. There is quite a lot to tell about 'Legends of Elumia' and not all of it is exactly great. After playing for a week, buying a BattleMage, buying another, and selling the original one, I figured I made the correct choice.
...not all BattleMages' are alike, I will explain in due course...
BASIC; I can't exaggerate this word. It's like playing WOW in its Alpha stage. Why the developers have not added key features such as bags, a bank, a marketplace (this is on the roadmap) or more than a single quest per day is quite beyond me.
… and yet there’s something that’s keeping me interested.
...'25 slots, that's not a lot of space you all your junk, and mine is piling up fast'...
As a player, you have limited space, 25 slots to be precise and if you happen to own multiple characters then they all share that space. Extra slots are 20,000 DUST each, yes, for ONE.
That is excessive in my opinion but if it’s changed later, you can bet the buyers of today are going to be a disgruntled crowd and spouting their discontent on the discord channels.
Banks; The NPCs standing outside of this building can be interacted with but are talking nonsense. I figure this is a placeholder for one of those institutions that most crypto lovers despise.
…'the future of banking in Elumia? One of those NPCs stood near the door mentions 'Bank' and there's a suspicious looking 'B' engraved into that door'…
Quests; I asked directly about these in the discord chat and was told, ‘there’s one side-quest per day and zero main quests’
The fact we can see 'Main Quests' and 'Side Quests' tells me this is a framework laid down for future expansion (again).
Pets; These are coming 'soon' and already noted as complete in the Roadmap which is not strictly true. Some teasers have been released in the last few days showing several faithful 'Fidos' following a group of intrepid heroes about and biting into the arses of monsters.
Monsters dying quicker due to many bites are always a pleasure to be seen, and 'Bones' have recently been dropping from monsters. Fido needs feeding and keeping happy if his teeth are to remain sharp.
Having played a Shaman in Everquest and a Warlock in WOW, both to high levels, I am looking forward to pets. If they handle as well as those previous games, I will be applying maximum applause.
...'Bones are dropping and can be stacked up to 20 per slot. That's as many as I am keeping for now. They sell for a miserable 1 DUST each'...
Pet Breeding; It seems to be a big thing in the crypto-gaming world, culturing animals from eggs, or whatever else. Somehow I don't think we are going to be gifted Fido based on classes or levels, and it's going to take some work to create that big evil mastiff that will take chunks out of the forest bears.
… and still, I haven't set foot into the game, well that's going to change NOW.
Tandaia Forest reminds me a little of Elwyn Forest from WOW. If you have played that ancient behemoth of an MMO, you will know it to be outside Stormwind and a newbie zone.
Unlike the vastness of WOW, this is the ONLY instance you can choose and where you will be doing your grind for some time until you pick up keys that give you access to 'Hard' dungeons.
...'click the glowing area over there and you can enter 'Tandaia Forest', there are few other options for now'...
Dungeon; That word to me says underground, dark, dank, smelly, and filled with grisly creations. As this zone is outdoors and instanced (just for you, or your group), I much prefer the word 'Instance'.
Using the ‘M’ key, you can get different types of maps, in other areas of your screen.
Using the +/- buttons zooms in and out. The red marks are those monsters just waiting around the corner for you to slay them (bless their cotton socks), for DUST and on the very odd occasion, loot.
Get too close and that wolfy will come bounding toward you, intent on sinking its sharp teeth into your shapely figure (if you are a BattleMage). No need for concern, the regular 'Majahrai' are pussies and no match for you and your basic staff.
Each ‘Majahrai’ will yield around 3 DUST, and 2000 DUST at today’s valuation is about $2.20.
Being the lazy bastard I am, I asked ChatGpt what 3 DUST was valued at and it gave me this response:
So killing 3 x 'Majahrai' yields me around 1c. Like anything else in crypto, it's not going to exactly break the bank but it's fun trying.
Bigger wolfies such as this Alpha are still pussies, can be easily soloed, and yield around 5 DUST per kill, while that even bigger dude lurking at the back of this shot will give you even more.
Mehdu's are spiky bears and if you are soloing don't take them lightly. I got 15 DUST from this one, but you need to be tactical about killing them,
These are the reasons I sold my previous BattleMage, the big one being I wanted Solar Sear (a vicious DOT that hits for around 200 damage per tick). Even so, you need to pull with that spell, and then kite this dude around as he stuns and DOTs you otherwise with his bleed spells.
...'and I ain't no tank'...
Kiting is an art in Legends of Elumia. If you pull a mob too far from its spawn point, it gets all pissed off with you, starts to sulk, and returns to it, disengaging you and recouping its hit points at an alarming rate.
You can split mobs, but don’t pull them too far, or this will happen. When grouping everyone tends to pile in, but solo play can be more tactical when it comes to the tougher beasts.
... and I’m just getting started, and there will be more to come soon.
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