Unrealistic expectations? Fluff off

in #hive-1106027 days ago

Unrealistic expectations? Fluff off

This is an article written for the #augustinleo writing prompt series and Day21 prompt ....

My experience of this prompt could be described as being a bit Unrealistic

Catch the original announcement in this thread

Day 21 Hive Naija Invites you to share which are some common unrealistic expectations around you?

Are you expected to have reached certain goals already? Or to perform a task you are not qualified for? ... Tell us about it in Hive Naija 🇳🇬

Drop your posts on the community Hive Naija 🇳🇬!

This topic ... random af, I wonder who suggested it, they must be a beeg goofball!

We are supposed to .....

As society evolves there is less and less of what we are supposed to do in theory.

There used to be pressure on you to get married, to have the average 2.4 children and mortgage on your three bedroomed house with a garage garden and a dog.

All by what the time you are 30?

That has lessened. I for one vowed I would never marry before I was 40, never have children and never marry a Scots girl.

Well before I was 30 I had married a Scots girl.

So I put unrealistic expectations on myself and failed.

So if I can't even realise my expectations, what hope have I of realising others expectations of me!

None, exactly, so fluff them, do your thing I say and ignore people.

I mention as society evolves, now we are meant to embrace an open borders policy, giving people free access to what we have been paying taxes for years. We can be whatever sex we want just by saying it.

I mean I could start this post as a man, but by the time I have finished it I might have decided to identify as a woman.

There society has evolved so much so why should it place expectations on people?

Because people are fluffing stupid.

Fluff off I said in the title.

If I don't want children it is my choice, so fluff off.

If I want to eat a full Scottish breakfast every day, it is my choice, so fluff off.

If I want to have two wives, it is my choice,so fluff off.

You get the point, it is my choice, so fluff off.

Interestingly enough, the world's oldest human, a Spanish lady born in America who returned to Spain as a young child, passed away this week at the ripe old age of 117.

Do you know what she said was her secret to longevity?

It is something I have been espousing for years...

Get rid of toxic people and negativity from your life!

Something I preach, maybe I should stop, people are sick of me sha!

But yes judging, put expectations on people it is all too much. And here we are exasperating the problem but talking about it.

Now the truth sets home...

What the fluff has happened to my writing since I joined Hive?!?

I used to write sentences, I used to write paragraphs... But I looked over this as I scrolled up and down and see now I have been reduced to uttering one line rants!

I mean, wtf is that?

Is it too unrealistic to expect me to write a coherent paragraph anymore?

Actually this post shows how unpredictable and ironic life can be!

Here was me in my head having predetermined thoughts on what I would write in answer to this prompt.


So let me finish with a quick paragaph of what I thought I would be writing about.

I have unrealistic expectations of people and society

This prompt has been set by the wonderful Hive Naija community.

I love Nigeria both the country and their people and the fortune to work there many years ago. I encountered greed on all levels. From local tribesmen and kings to politicians and government officials.

That was back then! But some of those I worked with have risen to seats of power and are now doing what they despised their elders for doing.

What is worse is that even here on Hive I have seen Hivians try to abuse the system and try to cheat to win money. All it does is label a country.

So if young people who are allegedly so against the corruption, why then, do some of them try to do it at the very first opportunity they get.

What hope does a country have. The cycle will continue

The cycle will not be broken as long as people think they can make a fast dollar and not care about the suffering of people or consequences of their actions.

Nigeria I worry for you, maybe I have too unrealistic expectations that your young people, your wannabee lawyers and politicians will put you first and not themselves and their bank accounts.

What about you....

Do you have unrealistic expectations on you

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed my response to the prompt.

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative #augustinleo

You can find all the details in this thread

Today's prompt is Day 21 Unrealistic Expectations

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on freepix.com from a prompt by me.The other photographs are all orginal and taken by me the author.

### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo August 23nd 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


thanks for the post enjoyed reading

Thanks man

I swear to God, you had me laughing like a maniac. Only the mighty ED will say 'I have two wives and one of them doesn't exist, so fluffing what?' loool. You're one old man with a beautiful mind.

Yeah, unfortunately, the apples fall close to the tree. Reputation is everything and not everyone realises that what you do as a person can affect 20 if not more other people. We have earned a bad rep thanks to people who went ahead of us and just could not try to be... just stay away from trouble. But can we blame anyone but ourselves? Many people and countries experience this too but it sadly doesn't take away the fact that it happened and now we are the ones paying for it.

Well I am glad I had you laughing like a maniac.
A bad rep is fair enough when it is earned from times gone by. My point was that some of the next generation do exactly the same thing when they get the chance.
The cycle just continues.
Maybe I should stop trying to see a positive in everyone and accept most people are just arses and their true colours shine through in the end.

Yes fluff off! Why would we even consider living up to people's expectations of us? I can try to live up to mine even when I know I fail, I still try sha! Seeking validation from people and the society we live in can turn us into very fake people.
I love the secret of longevity given by the one who's seen it all, toxicity isn't good for the spirit, soul and body. So get rid of it!
Nigeria is a problem, a sickness that defies cure (not that anyone is even attempting to find one) and I'm actually thinking of leaving this country behind. Am I giving up on it? Yes!
I enjoyed this post so much.