In the evening, upon the insistence of my nephews, we suddenly decided to meet with my sisters. Since it is the school period, we generally do not prefer to get together late, because children get up very early in the morning and their sleep patterns are disrupted when it is crowded. The school routine of the new generation is much heavier and more intense! Almost all days are spent doing homework and preparing for exams, and children are rightfully bored at this intense pace. Although their families organize activities and make plans on the weekends to relieve them of stress, it is still not enough for children because children have unlimited and endless energy! My older niece Azra was a little stressed because she had an exam and she called me and said, 'Aunt, can you come to us please? She asked. Even though it was late, I couldn't break his request and I took my fathers and went to them. As soon as they saw us, their spirits were lifted and they shouted for joy! The little friend of the house, their cat Yumak, was also very excited when he saw us.
Before I left, I wanted to stop by a dessert on the way and buy dessert, but I can't say that I like desserts very much! I love dessert very much, but I can't eat dessert everywhere, unfortunately, not everyone can do this dessert job properly. I still had to buy it because there was no other sweet shop on the route. We chatted and laughed a lot with tea and dessert, and this gathering was very good for all of us. Every time we come, my little nephew Ata opens a game and plays football with each of us one by one. This time, of course, the tradition did not break!
My father has been working until midnight for a while and has been through incredibly stressful days. It was very good for him, as he loves us and his grandchildren very much, that we got together. The joyful moods of the children made him feel good. Unfortunately, things are going a little wrong for my dear Daddy, and we are supporting him as much as we can these days. I hope everything will be much better soon! What a chance to have a loving and understanding family!
TR πΉπ·
AkΕam yeΔenlerimin Δ±srarΔ± ΓΌzerine ani bir Εekilde ablamlar da toplanma kararΔ± aldΔ±k. Okul dΓΆnemi olduΔu iΓ§in genel de geΓ§ saatler de bir araya gelmeyi tercih etmiyoruz çünkΓΌ Γ§ocuklar sabah Γ§ok erken kalkΔ±yor ve kalabalΔ±k olduΔunda uyku dΓΌzenleri bozuluyor. Yeni neslin okul rutini Γ§ok daha aΔΔ±r ve yoΔun! Neredeyse tΓΌm gΓΌnleri ΓΆdev yapmakla, sΔ±navlara hazΔ±rlamakla geΓ§iyor ve Γ§ocuklar haklΔ± olarak bu yoΔun tempoda sΔ±kΔ±lΔ±yorlar. Her ne kadar aileleri onlarΔ± stresten uzaklaΕtΔ±rmak iΓ§in hafta sonlarΔ± etkinlikler dΓΌzenlip, planlar yapsalar da yinede Γ§ocuklar iΓ§in yeterli olmuyor çünkΓΌ Γ§ocuklarΔ±n sΔ±nΔ±rsΔ±z, bitmeyen enerjileri var! BΓΌyΓΌk olan kΔ±z yeΔenim AzranΔ±n sΔ±navΔ± olduΔu iΓ§in biraz stresliydi ve beni arayΔ±p ' Teyze lΓΌtfen bize gelir misin? Diye sordu. Bende her ne kadar saat geΓ§ olsa da onun bu isteΔini kΔ±ramadΔ±m ve babamlarΔ± da alΔ±p onlarΔ±n yanΔ±na gittim. Bizi gΓΆrdΓΌkleri anda hemen moralleri yerine geldi ve sevinΓ§ Γ§Δ±ΔlΔ±klarΔ± attΔ±lar! Evin küçük dostu, kedileri Yumak da bizi gΓΆrdΓΌΔΓΌnde Γ§ok heyecanlandΔ±.
Gitmeden ΓΆnce yol ΓΌzerinde bir tatlΔ±ya uΔrayΔ±p tatlΔ± almak istedim fakat tatlΔ±larΔ± Γ§ok beΔendiΔimi de sΓΆyleyemeyeceΔim! Ben tatlΔ±yΔ± Γ§ok seviyorum fakat her yerin tatlΔ±sΔ±nΔ± yiyemiyorum maalesef bu tatlΔ± iΕini herkes hakkΔ±yla yapamΔ±yor. Yinede almak zorunda kaldΔ±m çünkΓΌ gΓΌzergah da baΕka tatlΔ±cΔ± yoktu. Γay ve tatlΔ± eΕliΔinde bol bol sohbetler edip, kahkahalar attΔ±k ve hepimiz iΓ§in bu toplanma Γ§ok iyi oldu. Küçük yeΔenim Ata her geldiΔimiz de oyun aΓ§Δ±p sΔ±rayla tek tek hepimizle futbol maΓ§Δ± yapΔ±yor. Bu defa da gelenek bozulmadΔ± tabiki!
Babam bir sΓΌredir gece yarΔ±larΔ±na kadar Γ§alΔ±ΕΔ±yor ve inanΔ±lmaz stresli yoΔun gΓΌnler geΓ§iriyor. Bizi ve torunlarΔ±nΔ± Γ§ok sevdiΔi iΓ§in ona da Γ§ok iyi geldi bir araya gelmemiz. ΓocuklarΔ±n neΕeli halleri onunda moralini yerine getirdi. Maalesef canΔ±m BabacΔ±ΔΔ±mΔ±n iΓ§in iΕler biraz ters gidiyor bu aralar bizde elimizden geldiΔi kadar ona destek oluyoruz. UmarΔ±m kΔ±sa sΓΌrede herΕey Γ§ok daha gΓΌzel olacak! Birbirini seven, anlayΔ±ΕlΔ± bir aileye sahip olmak ne bΓΌyΓΌk Εans!