Hi everyone.
The new Rising Star Game (@risingstargame) milestone is a fact.
Level 150 and running the first County Festival Gig mission.
I have a rather busy period with all new and upcoming music releases, but I'm trying to keep in touch and with hive and with the game.
For both I have modest but steady goals that I intend to achieve rather sooner than later.
Going towards 1.5k HP and 1k unique Rising Star cards and Top 160 ranking and naturally moving further with the game missions, towards levels 175 and 200.
So far, I did not take any shortcuts but that might change in the Future.
Nice way to begin this week.
I hope you are all alright.
Best of Regards.
Rising Star Game is one of those truly awesome, ground breaking projects. Appealing to both gamers and artists. It is my honor and joy to be personally involved from the beginning and as a supporter, player and content provider.
If you like gaming, music, crypto I'm pretty sure you would be enjoying this game just as we do.
You are more than welcome
"Start as a lowly busker and work your way up to global mega star! Earn STARBITS playing Rising Star, the Hive Engine NFT music career game!"