Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 49

in #hive-19927510 days ago

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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 49

Dear Reader, there are these moments in life when you feel you are just pending. Waiting for time to unfold.

For weeks you could not catch your breath and now all of a sudden you are stuck in the mud and not moving ahead.

Very much aware that you are not even close to the finish line they ask you to slow down and manage your tires for a while.

Why did they not equip life with a slow down and fast forward button? Why do I have to keep running when I want some time to look around, while at other times I am just waiting for life's pace to pick up?

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The Second Year

I realize that not everything stays the same as I carry my grandma's old kitchen table to her room. How long have I known her now, about seven months already?

Coincidence does not exist, I met her in Haarlem and now she lives and studies with me in Tilburg. Well, living, we both have a room in the same house.

She is nice, smart, stubborn, with a nice little round ass.
Her ass is definitely a few sizes too small for me, I like to have something to hold on to. But that will probably happen soon, as studying comes with beer and pizza, I think to myself.

At least if there is money for beer and pizza I think immediately afterwards.

This room is a step forward, still super small but no landlady, and much less lonely with my girl in the room next to me.

Three Months Later

Is this it?
Is this all?

We eat together, we travel together, we work together in the same Coffeeshop and we sometimes have sex in my single bed. We never argue and I never really feel like I want her.

It seemed so easy, school, studying, a relationship, living together, a future together.

But doubt is already setting in. This will be the weekend of my nineteenth birthday and we are on the train to our parents. Can I still call it home, no I hope I never have to live there again.

Tomorrow we are going out together to celebrate my birthday and I already really don't feel like it.

Six Months Later

She chose to spend the summer with her parents and go on vacation with them.

I stayed. I could work in the coffee shop all summer because I could really use that money. There was also an added benefit, the girl with the metal shirts and the big ass.


She was the reason why I kept coming here before I even worked here. The first time I came in she was behind the bar. Since then I have been lost. Within a few weeks, I was behind the bar but then I didn't see her anymore.

Well, not for a while, because then one day out of the blue there she was again. When she walked in all the lights shone brighter and I only had eyes for her.

Now after six months, it was clear to her and she had already indicated that she had eyes for me. But I had nothing, she lived in Noord and her name was Claudia. But I had no phone number, nothing. I had to wait until I saw her and sometimes I didn't see her for weeks.

Then I cycled aimlessly through the city in the hope of bumping into her.

Never felt that before. A disturbed feeling that eats away, although I don't know if it's in my heart or head.

Who is she that this is happening to me?

From day one she had me, but I didn't have her. Yet she drives me crazy, and retarded behavior for no reason. I finally walk my dick after her like I should have done years ago.

Her curves were lustful, and her smile enchanting but she was so much more than a cunt on legs. But if you were to ask me what, I would not know the answer because I do not know the truth.

Finally, she walks into my joint, and instead of choosing a table with a view of me, she chooses the bar this time. Surprised, I serve her order and try to be funny.

I doubt whether it is me, but when we start talking, it is clear that the many looks I have sent her way have not gone unnoticed.

She knows that the blonde girl who works is involved with me, just as I know that the long-haired metal Bas belongs to her.

Yet it is clear to both of us that there is more, and her hand that rests on mine for a moment, as if by chance, while our eyes meet is the seal of that knowledge.

Then her noisy, plump friend breaks up the party. How much more proof do I need than these two plump ladies?
Both wonderfully round and yet the Beauty & the Beast. It clearly takes more to make my heart and head go wild than thick thighs and a soft hanging belly.

I turn around as the ladies take a seat at a table, but from the corner of my eye, I see that they choose a spot with a view of the bar.

Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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