Ancient Greek philosophy: appeared around the 6th century BC lasting up to the Classical Age or the Hellenistic Period.Ancient Greek philosophy that has succeeded in breaking various myths about the origin of the universe, and that means the start of the stage of rationalizing human thinking about the universe. This way of thinking lasted until the 6th century BC. Meanwhile, since the 6th century BC people began to look for rational answers about the origin and occurrence of the universe, but there are still some people who do not have ancient Greek philosophy and they think that it is just a back wind but that is wrong, ancient Greek philosophy is true.
Ancient Greek philosophical thought reached its peak during the time of Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC). He said that the main task of science is to find the causes of the object under investigation. The main drawback of the previous philosophers was that they did not examine all the causes.
- Middle Ages (AD 6 - 16 AD)
In this medieval era, there was a period when the development of philosophy did not continue, namely during the Christian scholastic era. This was because the church restricted philosophers in thinking, so that science was hampered and could not develop, because everything was governed by church doctrines based on kencaya. If there are thoughts that are contrary to the beliefs of the ecclesiasticals, then the philosopher is considered an apostate and will be severely punished until the death penalty. considered to be strictly forbidden is where the destruction of ancient Greek philosophy occurred.
- Renaissance Period (14 AD-16 AD)
The Renaissance was an era that was very concerned with the fields of painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, philosophy, science and technology.At this time, man began to think anew, and gradually broke away from the authority of the church power which had been limiting humans in expressing the truth of philosophy and science.At this time humans began to be considered as the center of reality, this can be seen clearly in the works of renaissance artists such as Donatello, Botticelli, Michelangelo (1475-1564), Raphael (1483-1520, Perugino (1446-1526, and Leonardo da Vinci) (1452-1592) Whereas in the field of science there are several great figures including Nicolaus Copernicus (1478-1543), Andreas Vasalius (1514-1564), Galileo Galilei (1546-1642), Johannes Kepler (1571-1642), and Francis Bacon (1561-1632).so that many aristocrats from Europe, especially in England, became the hot topic of ancient Greek philosophy at that time so that ancient Greece rose again from its decline.
- Modern Age (17 AD - 20 AD
After the renaissance era, namely the age of enlightenment or modern times. The Enlightenment Age (English: Enlightenment) lasted from the 17th to the 20th century AD In this era there were important events, namely the revolutions in England and France. People living in this age have the belief that they have a bright and radiant future thanks to their own rationale. They were the ones who made enormous contributions to European philosophers who thought that the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, and the Koran were correct. But in reality the European nation did not recognize the role of Islamic thinkers who escorted Western modernity.
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