#ThougfulDailyPost - Looking After Our Swagger


Back again in the blog where I find quotes and images that made me pause, and share them with you. @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulposts as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please consider delegating if you are the thoughtful type and want to encourage people to share their positivity.

Here are a couple that made me pause, ponder, and made the cut for #thoughtfuldailypost. Pairing them with music just seems right as words to tune have that extra special power.


Looking After


Simon Sinek is described as "an unshakeable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together." This is my kinda dood!

I am a big believer in our purpose primarily being able to survive so that we can interact positively with the universe. Numbers in fictional accounts may seem re4al but they really are just constructs we create for ourselves. It is connection with the beings that surround us and beyond that is the real purpose, if we choose to accept it.

What prompted me to pause over this one was the luxury vs honour (Canadian spelling!) I always looked it as more of a miracle that I was born in the first place, and that the universe I hold in such high regard hasn't managed to kill me yet. I suppose that is a luxury and I should appreciate that I even have the ability to look after myself.

That brings us to the honour. Thinking plenty about purpose lately, I always thought of it as a necessity when it comes to a healthy, mindful active lifestyle. I could go on too far about purpose but will share that I never considered it an honour. It certainly is when it comes to the purpose of looking after eachother.

Let us bask in our luxury of living and know the honour of looking after eachother.

I am not exactly sure which part of Messenger made me select it for this quote but the universe needs more Canadians like Daniel Lanois.

Like you own the place


The art work on this one is apparently from Wolf Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and the closest I could come to discovering the author isTiny Buddha

I have always loved a similar quote that is something like If you are going through hell, keep going! because why stop and stick yourself in hell any longer? This one takes it a step further. Don't only keep going, drink in the punishment and the toughness it is building in you and come through it even stronger. Develop a swagger for the character and constitution you are developing and walk like you own the place! Bet it helps a little when ascending from a tough place.

This may be a little heavy for some but so is hell. A good soundtrack when you Walk like you own the place!


Considering our problems, happiness and how we are spending our lives can only lead to positive changes. If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity.
https://hive.blog/introduceyourself/@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is the post that started it in 2020!

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.





Have your struggles lead to strength?


If we’re going through hell, keep going
After hell may be a very bright future
Move ahead✈️✈️


We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...

Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

Curated by wesphilbin

Have your struggles lead to strength?

They sure have! Some think that when bad things happen to someone, they have screwed up somehow to deserve it. We can be so judgemental!

I've had my walks through hell, and they have brought me here, walking taller than I ever have. I have the strength, and clarity, to keep going, to be genuine, and to like myself. I have to say that the hellish days (still coming at me! so bizarre) have given me surety that I will survive, as long as I follow my self and no one else. So long as I am truthful, too.

I love that first quote. And Messenger. Very beautiful music!

There's no need to be without.

That’s what I am talking about! In a moment of clarity, I recently wondered why something didn’t bother me as much as it would have in the past. I deduced that I had been through stuff so much in the past, that I already knew it would turn out fine enough as it ALWAYS does. Strength? Wisdom? Resilience?

Trust. And all those, too. The blessings of trauma are not always immediately apparent but, if we trust ourselves, are strong, thoughful and flexible, we will turn loss to gain.

The strength to turn trauma into a blessing is a blessing I would wish upon everyone.

I saw this just now and thought of you


I would like to say here that there are some people here in the world who are working hard but still do not get success because the system of the countries is not such that people can succeed here.


I don't know many people that think they have it easy. Some of those have no real idea what it is like in other parts of the world. Those are some tough people.

Walk. Timeless man. !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@enginewitty just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @zekepickleman.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District