So we're hearing reports of agency after agency being audited or potentially shut down. Some seemingly disappearing overnight.
D.O.G.E (Department of Government Efficiency) has a goal to eliminate $4 Billion in spending PER DAY, cutting the US spending deficit in half.
That would be saving $1 Trillion / year... or $114 Million / hour.
The big news going around right now has to do with USAID. Many people think it means US "Aid", like some sort of charity, but no. It's an agency devoted to funding all sorts of "Deep State" activism around the world.
It's the United States Agency of International Development.
How do they spend our money?
I ask chatGPT what USAID actually spends our money on. A large chunk of it (40%) goes towards "global health". Which is a very broad phrase.
How has the US influenced infectious diseases? What sorts of maternal and child health programs? How does the US fund "family planning" and "reproductive health" internationally? What international benefit did the US provide during the COVID-19 plandemic?
How much money would we save by getting rid of USAID?
We would save $80.5 Million USD per day. How many mansions per day? (about 16) How many lambos per day? (about 400) How much BTC per day? (about 800 BTC)
That's $3.35 Million / hour. From one agency.
And Poof! It's Gone!
It's been noted that the website for has gone dark. It's like an entire billion-dollar agency has disappeared in moments!
We have to wonder which agency is on the chopping block next? How much more spending is about to get cut from the US government spending?
The FED is in Surgery
It's like undergoing a lipo-suction procedure, chunks of fat being instantly removed from this over-sized federal government. There's another (fraudulent) agency wasting about $75M per day that could be lip-suctioned away that I could mention, but because people wear t-shirts with the gov agency logo on it (to be cool), I'll keep my mouth shut for now. But I so hope it's on the chopping block too.
Actual fat sucked out of an actual human. Ewww.
Image Source
What do you think?
Will there be a net-gain or net-loss, disbanding these "international development" agencies?
Any ideas what departments may be next?
Should we cheer or mourn?
I'm curious to hear your thoughts.