Praise the lord! Preiset den Herrn!

in #hive-1215663 months ago

I found my way to God, the actual best friend of the human(kind). I found it through the riddles @thegrandestine and @alphacore gave me. Truly masters of their craft.

Have you ever wondered why so much disease and plague is coming to this world? The 3rd World War is on the horizont and maybe the most important thing we NEED to fix right now. I pray that Trump and Putin meet and we are blessed of another 4 years without a nuclear winter.

Special gratitude to @themyscira whose shining light lead my way, like many others.

YOu have to find back to the Lord. Praise Order and not Chaos!


Ich habe zu Gott gefunden den wahrhaft besten Freund des Menschen. Danke @thegrandestine and @alphacore für die ganzen Rätsel. Die Freude war da, trotz des ganzen Grauen das ich sehen musste und noch sehen werde.

Ihr müsst Euren Weg in die Freiheit finden, unter Gottes geleit und wachsamkeit. Seit mutig und ehrlich, dann wird Gott Euch alle Sünden vergeben oder die Bestrafung zumindest verschieben.

Auch noch vielen Dank an @themyscira ohne Sie hätte ich wohl nicht zu Gott sondern weiter zum Abgrund in mir gebetet.


What you call "desease" and "plague" is a pure human definition. What you call "desease" and "plague" in Germany is possibly pretty normal in a poor country. You're nothing more than advertising religion - a system to "somehow" get paid for being loyal (to god). Good luck

You know that you should not cast your prayers into the void, right?

I did not want to spoil the upcoming topic.

What you call "desease" and "plague" is a pure human definition. What you call "desease" and "plague" in Germany is possibly pretty normal in a poor country. You're nothing more than advertising religion - a system to "somehow" get paid for being loyal (to god). Good luck

You're just judging someone without knowing the difference between religion and faith.

God does not give faith to you. Community does. Enjoy your community of superstition. But I will call it what it is because I don't have much faith in believing that at least a part of Christianity doesn't much likes tolerating my kind of being, this is telling more the truth than them

you need to do both in my opinion, love your Commuunity and love God. God loves everybody. Find your way you and God will guide your way.

I was once like them and I am very glad that I have overcome the small-mindedness in a permanent downward spiral with God's help.
Good luck with your boundaries but don't make them someone else's problem.

You don't need god to feel happy. It's not Jesus giving you joy. You can have it just like that. It's them telling you, you need (their) Jesus to feel happy but I'm the proof, you don't. I don't need Jesus or God to feel happy. Try it. Just try to feel happy and you will. There's no responsibility to feel bad. No one can stop you from feeling happy. It's just your thinking, that there has to be a cause but there hasn't. You can feel happy with a finger snap. Just so. That's not neccessarily a proof that God doesn't exist, but a proof that God is irrelevant for your life

I do think you are very much following God when you decide and achieve for yourself with an open mind. That is why you feel like you dont need him, because he is already with you guiding your path.

And you think I was unhappy with the devil?
No! Like you, I thought everything was luck until I was taught otherwise.
Especially being happy in a world ruled by the devil - that's your definition, I believe in better things.

The world isn't ruled by anyone except a few monopolists maybe and the world's leading military forces.
I mean, I can let the Zeugen Jehovas next to my door live and also let them try to "convert" people to "their" true goddess. But that's my right, too. The absence of god doesn't mean chaos, because all formulas that drive our lives work without the "variable" god, just based on the rules of action equals reaction. And that's good news, because it puts the fellow believer into a responsible and powerful position.
Supposing, if god had nothing to do with your live, then you would be in full responsibility of what's happening around you, won't you? And in my opinion that view of life is healthier than what old men telling from an old book tell you.
"Only the weak need the help of god." Let's begin the training for standing on your own feet: Not god lets all these bad things happen - you do. You are using up ressources more than you need, you are lazy and egoistic, it's your failure that things go wrong, because you didn't do anything about it.
I feel, that this is much more a basis for negotiations

Meinst du Gott oder Jahweh?

Ich glaube beide, aber ich denke den Vater Gott habe ich in den letzten Wochen gut kennengelernt, ein schönes Erlebnis. Von Jahweh habe ich eher einen Eindruck als wirkliche Erleuchtung.