My Journey in Sports and Fitness

in #hive-1484164 months ago

Through the years, sporting activities have always been one of my favorites, and I've come to enjoy indulging in most of them either for the fun of it or to stay fit, active, and in good shape and health. Although I'm not a professional in any of them, I do them to the best of my capacity, and one of the most common ones I indulge in is running and related sporting activities. I can remember at my workplace there's this event we usually hold yearly that involves sporting activities and interhouse competition.


Most of these interhouse competitions are held at my workplace, which is a school. Because I'm a teacher, I mostly involve students in different events, from sack races, spoon and lime races, relays, 100-meter races, high jumps, and many more. As one of the house masters, my duties are mainly to teach the students in my house, pick the best among them, practice, and then encourage them to come out victorious in the main event.

My team has been awesome through the years, and our medals speak volumes about what we've achieved and the effort we put in to make such a reality. While the students excel and I mostly talk about their engagement before, during, and after these competitions, what I hardly talk about is my own impact, that for instance, there's hardly any spot activity we want to practice, that I won't join the students in participating during the practice, and that I do to pose them with high challenges of competing with me.

I can remember the day I joined the students in practicing for the sack race; most of them were laughing because I wasn't that good in the game, but after consistently practicing with them, I got the logic, and I even encouraged them with some gift that whoever wins against me will get some money, and with that, I'm not only training and encouraging them but also learning and keeping myself in shape as I let out fat from my body.

What I didn't know was that the school management had already set out a game and competition for us, the house masters and teachers, to also compete, and after the students participated in some games, it was made known that we'd also be going next for a sack race competition, after which we'd come back after someone's time for a 100-meter race. It was funny, and most of us were unprepared because nothing of such was made known to us initially.

But we know it's meant to spice up the event, so when it was time, I picked up the sack, stepped into it like other teachers, and at the sound of the whistle, I ran as though a million dollars were placed at the end of the line. It was a very big win for me, and I guess the numerous practices I had with the students were what gave me an edge, because while all the other teachers were struggling to run inside the sack and were falling, I was moving swiftly and arrived at the finish line 30 seconds before anyone else.

It was a very exciting moment. I was happy to win, and so were my students, who surrounded me, jubilating that their house master came out victorious amongst other house masters. That victory charged my athlete, who charged up to win us more and more medals. By the time it was time to indulge in the 100-meter race, I also went to the field and got ready to give it a shot again.

But it seems other teachers were also ready for this race this time around, and I only settled for third place among all of us teachers that competed in the race. That was still fair, and I enjoyed it. Although exhausted after the race, after taking a shower and relaxing, I felt light and refreshed. The competition ended with my house coming out second in the competition, and we, the house master, mistress, and the students were all excited.


Aside from that event that's held yearly, I still try as much as possible to exercise my body daily, and one way I do that is by making sure I walk and run some kilometers daily. To make this much easier and more encouraging, I've set a target of at least 5000 steps for myself that I vet daily with an app on my phone to track my steps and know if I'm done enough or should do better, and the screenshot above shows my activities for the last 8 days.

This is my entry for the day 22 of the #mayinleo prompt of the #inLeo initiative, if you'd love to participate, you can read days about it in the announcement post.

That's all my take on these. I hope you enjoyed the read!

All pictures are mine, including the last one that was a screenshot from a app on my phone

Posted Using InLeo Alpha