PostsCommentsesbat in #hive-161155 • 3 days agoLAWS OF THE SEA #zapfic240 “captain"![][PORTADA] [Source][PORTADA FUENTE] A short story using 240 characters or less!, for the Freewriters community to #zapfic240 contest. Prompt: “captain" LAWS OF…esbat in #hive-161155 • 9 days agoMEMORY OF DREAMS | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2645: a familiar feeling | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “MEMORY OF DREAMS” *** The cat followed the dreamer during his waking hours, when he was like an automaton, leaving the house, rushing off to workesbat in #hive-161155 • 10 days agoIMPULSE BUYING #Zapfic50 “receipt"![][PORTADA] [Source][PORTADA FUENTE] A short story to be written in 50 words not one word less, not one word more!, for the Freewriters community to #zapfic50monday…esbat in #hive-161155 • 18 days agoKILL THE MESSENGER #zapfic240 “letter"![][PORTADA] [Source][PORTADA FUENTE] A short story using 240 characters or less!, for the Freewriters community to #zapfic240 contest. Prompt: “letter" KILL THE…esbat in #hive-161155 • 24 days agoFALSE FLAG #Zapfic50 “Urge"![][PORTADA] [Source][PORTADA FUENTE] A short story to be written in 50 words not one word less, not one word more!, for the Freewriters community to #zapfic50monday…esbat in #hive-161155 • 25 days agoSTRAW MAN | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2629: lowest court in the land| [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “STRAW MAN” *** He was looking for a law firm. The fancy gold-lettered card had taken him to a part of town away from the big corporate buildingsesbat in #hive-161155 • 28 days agoDIRECTOR'S CUT | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2625: director of the movie | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “DIRECTOR'S CUT” *** The actors rehearsed before going on stage, warming up their voices backstage, moments before filming. As a method actor, I wesbat in #hive-161155 • 29 days agoMELANCHOLIA #zapfic240 “return"![][PORTADA] [Source][PORTADA FUENTE] A short story using 240 characters or less!, for the Freewriters community to #zapfic240 contest. Prompt: “return"…esbat in #hive-161155 • last monthGARDEN CLUB | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2624: bury the evidence | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “GARDEN CLUB” *** Another shovelful of earth went over his head and the sand piled up on one side of the hole he was digging in the middle of nowhesbat in #hive-164241 • last monthRASGANDO EL PAPEL / TEARING THE PAPER | 20:25 / Soloescribe concurso #17 [ES/EN]“20:25 RASGANDO EL PAPEL” *** **El pensamiento es una maravillosa máquina de creación. Una suerte de navecita abstracta piloteada por nuestra conciencia y ésta a su…esbat in #hive-189306 • last month3 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT HIVE | POSH Time! [EN/ES]![image.png][SEPARADOR] Three years ago I came to HIVE as a bit of a rebound, to be honest, because I had created my account through an NFT game, so at the time I only…esbat in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoBARGAINS | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2606: king of the bar + Worldbuilding Prompt #915 - Legendary Item | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] For today's writing exercise, a cross between mariannewest's Freewrite and [Worldbuilding](htesbat in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoJÖRMUNDGANDER | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2599: a big boat | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “JÖRMUNDGANDER” *** Norna's son played by the warmth of the hearth. The boy imitated the sound of the waves in the storm, which, in…esbat in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoWITHERED | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2595: don’t amputate | [ENG/ESP]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “WITHERED” *** Even though it had been over a year, he still had to struggle to remember that it was just chemistry exploding in his brain, hormoesbat in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoPOST MORTEN |@mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2590: fragment of life | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “POST MORTEN” *** He pressed the power button and, seeing that familiar face wink from the screen after so long, he couldn't help…esbat in #hive-161155 • 2 months agoMIDNIGHT ON THE CLOCK | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2589: set the clock | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “MIDNIGHT ON THE CLOCK” *** Time had stopped on the large clock on the far wall; its hands stopped at about twelve o'clock, but…esbat in #hive-161155 • 3 months agoCALCULATED RISKS | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2575: wander into danger | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “CALCULATED RISKS” *** I like calculated risks, I think that's something I share with my colleagues around the table. I'm sure that…esbat in #hive-161155 • 3 months agoSWEET SURPRISES | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2569: sticky but tasty | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “SWEET SURPRISES” *** You rummage through your backpack until you find a piece of candy at the bottom that you thought was long…esbat in #hive-161155 • 3 months agoBLESSED PUBLIC | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2568: love bomb | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “BLESSED PUBLIC” *** The first notes filled the packed auditorium, completely silencing the murmur of an audience eager to hear her…esbat in #hive-161155 • 3 months agoLOOKING FOR HONEY | @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2567: entertainment for the bees | [EN/ES]![image.png][1] [Source][F1] “LOOKING FOR HONEY” *** We have all heard the story of bees and flowers, how some parents try to get out of the way by answering…