PostsCommentsjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • last monthSTREET COLORS - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (18 Pics)S ometimes something happens and suddenly the colors make sense, they become an integral part of the image in an unexpected way. I don't know for sure how itjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 2 months agoEPHEMERAL - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)M y recent archives are full of landscape pictures shrouded in fog, my recent days are also full of foggy thoughts... Because photographs taken by a person ajlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoTHE WAY I SEE - MONOMAD - Pictures from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (11 Pics)A fter more than a week of waking up, eating breakfast and going for a hike or bike ride, today I woke up with pains in my legs, arms and I think even my teejlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 2 months agoGOING TO DECIDUOUS FOREST - Nature photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (21 Pics)H eading southeast, along the inter-communal way that goes from Montalbán to a small hamlet called Aguirre, there are rural roads that cross pastures and oldjlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 2 months agoSOUTHEAST LANDSCAPES - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)P erhaps 3:00 PM is not the best hour to take landscape photos 5 KM away from the town's outskirts, but that day I started taking photos at noon in the streetjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoWHEN THE FOG... MONOMAD - Landscape photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)W est of town are the mountains and these first days of December I have had at my disposal some mornings of blue skies and bright sunshine. However, fog is ajlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 2 months agoMORNING SHOTS - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)B esides wandering the streets of my hometown, I also like to take long walks in the surrounding hills and country roads. And I don't mean “long walks” in terjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoPHOTOGRAPHY MIX - MONOMAD - Street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (09 Pics)H ello monochromatic #Hive friends!... I'm still here, in the streets of my town, involved in my hobby of wandering around for long time rummaging the cornerjlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoFURTHER SOUTH - CHAPTER III - Photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (14 Pics)A fter sharing the first two chapters of this photographic series in black and white, I wanted to finish it with a selection of color photographs... Y ojlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoTHE WAY I SEE... - Street photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)H ello #Hive photography lovers!... Today I invite you to enjoy this black and white street photography selection... These are photos taken recently and I wajlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoFURTHER SOUTH - CHAPTER II - MONOMAD - Photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)T he day I went for a walk on the road south of town, I came back home with a lot of pictures very good to spend long hours editing in front of my PC and deljlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months ago6:00 AM - Street photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)H ello #Hive photography lovers friends!... I invite you today to take a colorful walk through the streets of Montalban (Venezuela)... I took these photos whijlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoFURTHER SOUTH - MONOMAD - Photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)I 'm a very early wake up guy, so today at 5:30 AM I had already had a cup of coffee and fed my dogs and cats, so I went out to look east from the street in frontjlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoMORE FROM MONTALBAN'S STREETS - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (08 Pics)M y street photographs and I work together, it's a kind of nice and creative symbiosis and I oscillate between colorful and monochromatic with a certain easejlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoA LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING - MONOMAD - B&W street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (10 Pics)S treet photographers are a kind of “X-Men” (yes, I'm prone to write strange things today) whose main superpower is to find the singular in the everyday, frajlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoWITH A COLORFUL MORNING - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (10 Pics)T oday the morning was radiant, a perfectly clear sky and a warm sun shining on the horizon, added efforts to make the colors of the sometimes faded streetsjlinaresp in #hive-194913 • 3 months agoFOGGY DAWN (ALTERNATIVE VISIONS) - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)T oday I wanted to sit in front of my PC and select some photos from my recent walks in the countryside, and then do something different than usual with themjlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoPHOTOGRAPHY MIX - MONOMAD - B&W street photography from Montalbán, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)H ello #Hive monochromatic friends!... We are in the final week of this November and I have started to make revisions in my archives in order not to leave injlinaresp in #hive-132248 • 3 months agoA NOT SO LONELY ROAD - Photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)A s I told you in my most recent posts; I have been taking advantage of the foggy mornings to take long walks along the rural roads north of town and -obvioujlinaresp in #hive-142159 • 3 months agoFROM THE ROAD WITH FOG - MONOMAD - B&W photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (12 Pics)I 'm addicted to photographing when it's foggy and here in Montalbán (Venezuela) one of every three dawns has fogs that penetrate both the rural surroundings