runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • 11 months agoGreen Day![clu8iscka000hmjsz4l2n6rd8_2.webp](runningproject rebloggedbingbabe in #hive-176853 • 11 months agoRome Marathon - My StoryWith the anticipation of my upcoming trip to Rome for my marathon, I'm not sure if I had enough training to run the marathon. It's been months of expectation and maybe a lack of…runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • 11 months agoShort but Intense![cltyfy4lo000e3zszbpluf8yc_2.webp](runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearSunny and Foggy![clq14bkbk000xa4sz3ac953au_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearRunning in a Post-industry and Future Residential Area![clpbeirle000upgsz0u6442lt_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedrevisesociology in #health • last yearWeeklyish Running Update... fastest in a while! I've been steady with my two runs a week recently, and pretty happy with keeping things ticking over... I did one interval session about 10 days ago, then the fastest 5K I did…runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearIntensity is Back...![clp70wjfj00mm15sz73wzeus8_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggederikklok in #running • last yearSunday runStarted the day good, with a relatively long run. An easy one, although my heart rate suggests otherwise... Here are the stats:runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearDoggy Riverside Run![clp5pkcl7000it3sz0qthct6w_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearSoon![clox0uvh3015fd7sz122q6zt0_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearMore than a month and a half without running...![cloegomrp08dobmsz8f9j0kyt_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggederikklok in #running • last yearSaturday runDoubted whether to go for a run or a ride and decided to go for the former, mostly because it takes less time. Did an easy 11km run, as can be seen from these stats:…runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearEnzo at Home plus Run on the Hill![clmeujz9r01vo6hszgrg23i8s_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedrevisesociology in #health • last yearWeekly Running Update: Cutting back on Runs to do more circits!I've been in the mood for circuit training of late, much more so than running, so I've cut back on the former to just two runs a week to allow myself and my body the time to do…runningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearRun during Dawn![clm7ktno8016g7xsz0acw5qgi_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedmad-runner in #hive-146620 • last yearI momenti significativi a livello podistico - 100° puntata - Verso l'estateImmagine CC0 creative commons Archiviata anche la Strarimini, si entrava nel mese di giugno, nel periodorunningproject rebloggedtoofasteddie in #hive-147010 • last yearBack to the athletics club...![clm517s8w00xmaaszebrb84fy_m2.webp](runningproject rebloggedmad-runner in #hive-146620 • last yearI momenti significativi a livello podistico - 99° puntata - Strarimini - 3° parteImmagine CC0 creative commons Il tempo finale che avevo conseguito nella Strarimini era ampiamente soddisrunningproject rebloggedmad-runner in #hive-146620 • last yearI momenti significativi a livello podistico - 98° puntata - Strarimini - 2° parteImmagine CC0 creative commons Avanti con quell'andatura per un paio di km, più che sufficiente per provocrunningproject rebloggederikklok in #running • last yearRunning WednesdayBecause of the forecasted rain, we cancelled the cycling training. Did a running training instead, in the bright sunshine 😅 6 kilometers at a pace of around 4 mins/km and some…