jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 2 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Fish Tail gown Today I will show you how I cut and sew an fish tail gown with with Cosette breast part. Here I have my lace material, zip,dull-face material, and the Cosette ![img_1734712635898.jpg](jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 5 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Straight Gown With A Cosette Breast Part.Today I will show you how I cut and sew a straight gown with with Cosette breast part. Here I have my Ankara material, lining,zip,dull-face material, baby lace and the…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 7 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Six Pieces skirt And A Peplon Flee Shirt.Here I have my lining, my zip, my Ankara material and my gum still. First I will start by cutting my pieces for the skirt. I fold my materiajonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 10 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Six Pieces Gown With A Using Judge Material Hello family today I'll show you how I cut and sew another six pieces gown with just a little different on the previous ones. Here I have my material it called judge, dull-face…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 12 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Six Pieces Gown With A Cosette Breast Part Good evening house today I will show you how I cut and sew a six pieces gown with a Cosette breast part. Here I have my Ankara material, dull-face, lining, baby lace,zip, and my…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 14 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Six Pieces Gown Good evening family today I'll show you how I cut and sew a six pieces gown Here I have my lace, dull-face, lining, my stone zip, and my flowers. ![img_1733679506482.jpg](jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 16 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Fitted Straight Gown Today I will show you how I cut and sew a straight gown. Here I have my Ankara material, lining, skin net zip, and my breast part or breast tube which ever name you choose to…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 19 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Straight Gown.Greetings family and friends today I will show you how I cut and sew a straight gown with a free hand Here I have my Ankara material, lining, stone, zip, and my dull-face…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 23 days agoHow I Cut And Sew A Plinted Baby Gown Today I will show you ow I cut and sew a plinted baby gown Here is the items needed to sew the gown My lace, bridal satin , lining, and strong net or hard net which ever name…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • 26 days agoHow I Made Head Barn And Roses Today I will show you how I made head barn and roses. My roses does not need machine it's a hand made roses. Here are the things needed for the roses and the head barn. My…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • last monthHow I Cut And Sew A Straight Gown Good evening everyone, today I will be showing us how I cut and sew a straight gown. Here I have my Ankara material, lining, babylace, zip and my breast part or breast tube…jonathanjediel in #hive-127911 • last monthHow I Cut And Sew A Baby Gown Hello hive family I bring you greetings from here, today I'll show you how I cut and sew a baby gown Here I have my material's to sew the dress I have my rubber material…jonathanjediel in #hive-178437 • last monthError Post Don't VoteError Post Don't Votejonathanjediel in #hive-178437 • last monthHow I Cut And Sew A Butterfly Gown.Greetings to the hive family. Today I'll be showing us how I cut and sew a butterfly gown. Here we have our Ankara material, lining, stone, and babylace ![img_1731753323744.jpg](jonathanjediel in #hive-178437 • last monthHow I Cut And Sew A Straight Free Gown Greetings to you all Today I'll be showing you how I cut and sew a straight free gown . Here I have my material Lining Zip Stone Dull-face material as well ![IMG_20241113_070639_481.jpg](jonathanjediel in #hive-178437 • last monthHow I Cut And Sew a Straight Skirt With The Top.Hello hive family greetings to you all. Today I'll be posting a dress I made and I'll also be sharing the process and procedure on how I cut the cloth. Firstly this are the…jonathanjediel in #hive-178437 • 2 months agoMy introductory post//Meet Jonathan Jediel My introductory post//Meet Jonathan Jediel My name is Jonathan Jediel, I'm a Nigerian, I was born and raised in the northern part of Nigeria,